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Top Forums Programming errors....
# 1  
Old 03-05-2007
Error errors....

i have written a program to display files in a directory
but it doesnt compile on the sun/solaris system....
im using gcc(inbuilt compiler)
im generally used to working on a windows environment so maybe im overlookiing something
ive added comments to help readability of the program
i also need info on how to display "links"
basically if i come across a link in the dir i need to print it out....

heres the prog.....
//make it work
/* ls2.c
* purpose list contents of directory or directories
opens directories recursively and displays contents
need to display link???
and an option -s...only display the directories
probable error in dynamic memory allocation or related

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
//#include <iostream.h>
//#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int flag=0; //for option s

void do_ls(char[]);
void dostat(char *);
void show_file_info( char *, struct stat *);
void mode_to_letters( int , char [] );
char *uid_to_name( uid_t );
char *gid_to_name( gid_t );
void insert( struct NODE *, struct NODE *);
void inorder(struct NODE *);
void printfile(struct NODE *);

main(int ac, char *av[])
{ char ch;
  while ((ch=getopt(ac, av, "s")) != -1) {
      if(ch=='s') flag=1;
      if ( ac == 1 )
          do_ls( "." );
          while ( --ac ){
              printf("%s:\n", *++av );
              do_ls( *av );
  void do_ls( char dirname[] )
   * list files in directory called dirname
      DIR *dir_ptr; /* the directory */
      struct dirent *direntp; /* each entry */
      if ( ( dir_ptr = opendir( dirname ) ) == NULL )
          fprintf(stderr, "ls1: cannot open %s\n", dirname);
      else {
          while ( ( direntp = readdir( dir_ptr ) ) != NULL )
              dostat( direntp->d_name );
  void dostat( char *filename ) {
      struct stat info;
      if ( stat(filename, &info) == -1 ) /* cannot stat */
          perror( filename ); /* say why */
      else /* else show info */
          show_file_info( filename, &info );
  void show_file_info( char *filename, struct stat *info_p )
   * display the info about 'filename'. The info is stored in struct at *info_p
      char *uid_to_name(), *ctime(), *gid_to_name(), *filemode();
      void mode_to_letters();
      char modestr[11];
      mode_to_letters( info_p->st_mode, modestr );
      //struct NODE *root;
      struct NODE *new;
      new=((struct NODE*)malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)));
      if(modestr[0]!='d' && (modestr[3]=='x' || modestr[6]=='x' || modestr[9]=='x')) new->eflag=1;//file is an executable
      switch(modestr[0]) {
          case 'd':
          case 'c':
          case 'b':
          case 'l':
      insert(root, new);
      //printf( "%s" , modestr );
      //printf( "%4d " , (int) info_p->st_nlink);
      //printf( "%-8s " , uid_to_name(info_p->st_uid) );
      //printf( "%-8s " , gid_to_name(info_p->st_gid) );
      //printf( "%8ld " , (long)info_p->st_size);
      //printf( "%.12s ", 4+ctime(&info_p->st_mtime));
      //printf( "%s\n" , filename );
   * utility functions
   * This function takes a mode value and a char array
   * and puts into the char array the file type and the
   * nine letters that correspond to the bits in mode.
   * NOTE: It does not code setuid, setgid, and sticky
   * codes
  void mode_to_letters( int mode, char str[] ) {
      strcpy( str, "----------" ); /* default=no perms */
      if ( S_ISDIR(mode) ) str[0] = 'd'; /* directory? */
      if ( S_ISCHR(mode) ) str[0] = 'c'; /* char devices */
      if ( S_ISBLK(mode) ) str[0] = 'b'; /* block device */
      if ( S_ISLNK(mode) ) str[0]='l'; //link
      if ( mode & S_IRUSR ) str[1] = 'r'; /* 3 bits for user */
      if ( mode & S_IWUSR ) str[2] = 'w';
      if ( mode & S_IXUSR ) str[3] = 'x';
      if ( mode & S_IRGRP ) str[4] = 'r'; /* 3 bits for group */
      if ( mode & S_IWGRP ) str[5] = 'w';
      if ( mode & S_IXGRP ) str[6] = 'x';
      if ( mode & S_IROTH ) str[7] = 'r'; /* 3 bits for other */
      if ( mode & S_IWOTH ) str[8] = 'w';
      if ( mode & S_IXOTH ) str[9] = 'x';

#include <pwd.h>

char *uid_to_name( uid_t uid )
 * returns pointer to username associated with uid, uses getpw()
    struct passwd *getpwuid(), *pw_ptr;
    static char numstr[10];
    if ( ( pw_ptr = getpwuid( uid ) ) == NULL ){
        sprintf(numstr, "%d", uid);
        return numstr;
        return pw_ptr->pw_name ;

#include <grp.h>

char *gid_to_name( gid_t gid )
 * returns pointer to group number gid. used getgrgid(3)
    struct group *getgrgid(), *grp_ptr;
    static char numstr[10];
    if ( ( grp_ptr = getgrgid(gid) ) == NULL ){
        sprintf(numstr, "%d", gid);
        return numstr;
        return grp_ptr->gr_name;

struct NODE {
    struct NODE *left;
    int depth;
    int dflag; //indicates spacing
    int eflag; //indicates executable file
    char *fname;
    int value; //filetype
    struct NODE *right;
    struct NODE *dirtree;
struct NODE *root=NULL;
struct NODE *nodeptr;

void insert( struct NODE *curr, struct NODE *new ) {
    if(curr->value==NULL) curr=new;
    else if(new->value <= curr->value) {
        if(curr->left != NULL)
            insert(curr->left, new);
        curr->left = new;
    else {
        if(curr->right != NULL)
            insert(curr->right, new);
            curr->right = new;new->depth++;}

void inorder(struct NODE *curr) {
    if(curr->left != NULL) inorder(curr->left); /*step-1 & step-2*/
    //printf("%d", curr->value); /*step-3*/
    if(curr->right != NULL) inorder(curr->right); /*step-4*/

void printfile(struct NODE *curr) {
    if(curr->eflag==1 && flag==1) printf( "%s*\n" , curr->fname );
    if(curr->value==4 && flag==1) printf( "%s -> \n" , curr->fname );
    { printf( "%s/\n" , curr->fname );

 void isdir(struct NODE *curr)

 struct FILE
 char type;
 struct NODE *

Last edited by reborg; 03-05-2007 at 03:30 PM..
# 2  
Old 03-05-2007
This compiles. It still has logic problems, I think. You can fix those.
Moved the definition of struct NODE above the first reference to it, and added a }
on the second while loop in main(). ..and it's always int main()
Please use code tages next time - I did not fix up your code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int flag=0; 
//for option s
struct NODE
	struct NODE *left;
	int depth;
	int dflag; 
	//indicates spacing
	    int eflag; 
	//indicates executable file
	    char *fname;
	int value; 
	    struct NODE *right;
	struct NODE *dirtree;
struct NODE *root=NULL;
struct NODE *nodeptr;

void do_ls(char[]);
void dostat(char *);
void show_file_info( char *, struct stat *);
void mode_to_letters( int , char [] );
char *uid_to_name( uid_t );
char *gid_to_name( gid_t );
void insert( struct NODE *, struct NODE *);
void inorder(struct NODE *);
void printfile(struct NODE *);

int main(int ac, char *av[])
	char ch;

	while ((ch=getopt(ac, av, "s")) != -1) {
		if(ch=='s') flag=1;

		if ( ac == 1 )
			do_ls( "." );
			while ( --ac ){
				printf("%s:\n", *++av );
				do_ls( *av );

void do_ls( char dirname[] )
	DIR *dir_ptr; /* the directory */
	struct dirent *direntp; /* each entry */

	if ( ( dir_ptr = opendir( dirname ) ) == NULL )
		fprintf(stderr,"ls1: cannot open %s\n", dirname);
		while ( ( direntp = readdir( dir_ptr ) ) != NULL )
			dostat( direntp->d_name );

void dostat( char *filename )
	struct stat info;

	if ( stat(filename, &info) == -1 ) /* cannot stat */
		perror( filename ); /* say why */
	else /* else show info */
		show_file_info( filename, &info );

void show_file_info( char *filename, struct stat *info_p )
* display the info about 'filename'. The info is stored in struct at *info_p
	char *uid_to_name(), *ctime(), *gid_to_name(), *filemode();
	void mode_to_letters();
	char modestr[11];

	mode_to_letters( info_p->st_mode, modestr );

		//struct NODE *root;
		//	}

	struct NODE *new;
	new=((struct NODE*)malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)));

	if(modestr[0]!='d' && (modestr[3]=='x' || modestr[6]=='x' || modestr[9]=='x')) new->eflag=1;
	//file is an executable

	case 'd':


	case 'c':

	case 'b':

	case 'l':



	//printf( "%s" , modestr );
	//printf( "%4d " , (int) info_p->st_nlink);
	//printf( "%-8s " , uid_to_name(info_p->st_uid) );
	//printf( "%-8s " , gid_to_name(info_p->st_gid) );
	//printf( "%8ld " , (long)info_p->st_size);
	//printf( "%.12s ", 4+ctime(&info_p->st_mtime));
	//printf( "%s\n" , filename );


* utility functions

* This function takes a mode value and a char array
* and puts into the char array the file type and the
* nine letters that correspond to the bits in mode.
* NOTE: It does not code setuid, setgid, and sticky
* codes
void mode_to_letters( int mode, char str[] )
	strcpy( str, "----------" ); /* default=no perms */

	if ( S_ISDIR(mode) ) str[0] = 'd'; /* directory? */
	if ( S_ISCHR(mode) ) str[0] = 'c'; /* char devices */
	if ( S_ISBLK(mode) ) str[0] = 'b'; /* block device */
	if ( S_ISLNK(mode) ) str[0]='l'; 

	    if ( mode & S_IRUSR ) str[1] = 'r'; /* 3 bits for user */
	if ( mode & S_IWUSR ) str[2] = 'w';
	if ( mode & S_IXUSR ) str[3] = 'x';

	if ( mode & S_IRGRP ) str[4] = 'r'; /* 3 bits for group */
	if ( mode & S_IWGRP ) str[5] = 'w';
	if ( mode & S_IXGRP ) str[6] = 'x';

	if ( mode & S_IROTH ) str[7] = 'r'; /* 3 bits for other */
	if ( mode & S_IWOTH ) str[8] = 'w';
	if ( mode & S_IXOTH ) str[9] = 'x';

#include <pwd.h>

char *uid_to_name( uid_t uid )
* returns pointer to username associated with uid, uses getpw()
	struct passwd *getpwuid(), *pw_ptr;
	static char numstr[10];

	if ( ( pw_ptr = getpwuid( uid ) ) == NULL ){
		sprintf(numstr,"%d", uid);
		return numstr;
		return pw_ptr->pw_name ;

#include <grp.h>

char *gid_to_name( gid_t gid )
* returns pointer to group number gid. used getgrgid(3)
	struct group *getgrgid(), *grp_ptr;
	static char numstr[10];

	if ( ( grp_ptr = getgrgid(gid) ) == NULL ){
		sprintf(numstr,"%d", gid);
		return numstr;
		return grp_ptr->gr_name;

void insert( struct NODE *curr, struct NODE *new )

	if(curr->value==NULL) curr=new;

	else if(new->value <= curr->value)
		if(curr->left != NULL)
			insert(curr->left, new);

		curr->left = new;
		if(curr->right != NULL)
			insert(curr->right, new);
			curr->right = new;

void inorder(struct NODE *curr)
	if(curr->left != NULL) inorder(curr->left); /*step-1 & step-2*/
	//printf("%d", curr->value); /*step-3*/
	if(curr->right != NULL) inorder(curr->right); /*step-4*/

void printfile(struct NODE *curr)
	if(curr->eflag==1 && flag==1) printf( "%s*\n" , curr->fname );
	if(curr->value==4 && flag==1) printf( "%s -> \n" , curr->fname );
		printf( "%s/\n" , curr->fname );

void isdir(struct NODE *curr)

struct FILE
char type;
struct NODE *

# 3  
Old 03-06-2007
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