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# 1  
Old 11-13-2001
NEWBIE << help >>

Hi everyone, currently im doin an interest inventory to look for posible careers. I am 15 and im a sophmore, The results were that i might want to get interested in computer programming as a possible career choice. Right now i dont really know anything computer programming, i tried python, but it is complicated no matter what anyone says. I would read a book, or start learning, but i dont know what to do or where to start. Again i tried python and i dont get it. PLEASE HELP ME!! thank you.
# 2  
Old 11-13-2001
Hello LolapaloL,

First let me say that it is very commendable that
at 15 you are planning ahead for a future in,
what is in my opinion, a very rewarding career
as a sofware developer/engineer.

Getting started in programming can be difficult
and will require a good deal of patience and
resove. Python, while a very robust and full
featured tool, may not be the easiest of languages
to master quickly.

I might suggest you start with shell scripting.
Assuming you're running Linux on somthing at
home, BASH is the default shell scripting tool
and again, very robust and full featured.

You can quickly learn to write very powerful
tools for yourself and it will greatly assist
you in "thinking" in terms of a structured
solution to a problem. Also, you can gain a
great understanding of UNIX utilities and
programs that can be combined with the scripts
to solve more complex problems. Once you have
mastered shell programming, the other stuff
comes mush easier (at least for me it did Smilie )

And of course, participating in forums such as
this one, you will learn much much more...
I know (even after 20 yrs. in this) I have.

Best of luck to you! Smilie
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