Join Date: Oct 2001
Last Activity: 11 December 2001, 7:56 AM EST
Location: Jacksonville,FL
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Ok thanks for the reply, I have edited the sendmail.cf file's "Mlocal" + my mail program... I have my program written in C, and it delivers whatever I tell it to, to the tables within the MySQL database, however, I might be repeating myself, But could you steer me now into the direction of how to just get ALL the data into the C program from the STDIN, then I can move onto the next step... Reason is this, if I do:
scanf("%s %s %s %s",&From,&FromAddress,&To,&ToAddress);
It will only grab the "From:" (&From), "Blah@blah.com" (&FromAddress), "To:" (&To),"Blow@blow.com" (&ToAddress)..
I want to be able to stream EVERYTHING, or atleast when it comes time to get the WHOLE message into the database... Can you tell me what command or function to grab ALL of the STDIN? I tried using "gets(message)", but came up with Segmentation errors, and tried to debug it.. but i'm just coming up with a deadend..