Keyboard Strokes w/o Delay...

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Top Forums Programming Keyboard Strokes w/o Delay...
# 1  
Old 10-03-2001
Keyboard Strokes w/o Delay...

Hello(again), but I was wondering how you would obtain a keyboard stroke from a user with no delay(they don't have to hit enter) and then place that stroke into a variable?

Lets say you tell the user to hit, on the numpad, a number. Then that number is placed into a variable w/o the user hitting enter to confirm. I tried fooling around with getch(), but I don't know how to then have that number placed into a variable. Any info will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

# 2  
Old 10-03-2001
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking but...

int c;

c = getch();
printf("%c", (char)c);

Obviously, you would want to do this in a loop but
use caution as this, (assuming NO_DELAY) in a tight loop will
consume lost of CPU doing nothing. Again, I'm not exactly
clear on your objective.
# 3  
Old 10-03-2001
MySQL Perfect!

This is exactly what I needed to know, thank you once again rwb!

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