Separate input buffer into multiple lines

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Old 04-04-2014
Separate input buffer into multiple lines

Hi All

I have a very tricky problem, not able to solve it. Hence asking this question.

I have a code portion like this -

char in_buf[MAX_5E_MSG_LEN];
char line1[SCCS_LINE_LEN];
char line2[SCCS_LINE_LEN];
char sccs_line[SCCS_LINE_LEN];
(void)fprintf(trace_fp,"parse_msg1 in_buf = %s \n", in_buf);

/* separate in_buf into separate lines. */

(void)fprintf(trace_fp,"parse_msg1 tmp_buf = %s \n", tmp_buf);

The argument in_buf comes from external system and we don't know the exact format. But the trace files shows -

parse_msg1 in_buf = 99
   S570-262205 14-03-17 10:58:18 428064 RCVY SLKCUTMA06T

parse_msg1 tmp_buf = S570-262205 14-03-17 10:58:18 428064 RCVY SLKCUTMA06T

So the question is how I can write my own example code and prepare the in_buf variable so that I can pass it to this parse_msg() function? What do I mean is that I will write a main() function and prepare the in_buf string and pass it to the parse_msg() function. Since parse_msg() function has the following line -

, how I can prepare the in_buf string?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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