C++: Creating Matrix template using vector

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# 1  
Old 03-03-2014
C++: Creating Matrix template using vector

I want to create a Matrix template that uses vector. For the time being I want to create the following operations. I need setting the implementation for the operations.
Maybe I do not have to use a pointer either.

template <class T>
class Matrix {


  typedef vector<T>*  VP;

  int  M;    ///< Number of rows
  int  N;    ///< Number of column
  VP*  MAT;  ///< Matrix object (pointer to vector)


  /// \brief Creates a matrix
  /// Matrix b;


  /// \brief Creates a matrix of size (m,n), 
  /// Matrix b(3,2);

     const int  m,
     const int  n

  /// \brief Sets a matrix to another matrix
  /// Matrix b(a);

     const Matrix&  a

  /// \brief Destroys a matrix



template <class T>
) {

  M = N = 0;


template <class T>
 const int  m,
 const int  n
 ) {

  M = m;
  N = n;
  MAT = new VP[M];

  for (int i = 0;  i < M;  i++)
      MAT[i] = new vector<T> (N);


template <class T>
 const Matrix<T>&  a
 ) {

  M = a.M;
  N = a.N;
  MAT = new VP[M];

  for (int i = 0;  i < M;  i++)
      MAT[i] = new vector<T> (N);


Last edited by kristinu; 03-03-2014 at 11:14 AM..
# 2  
Old 03-03-2014
Why not use the already existing vector class?
# 3  
Old 03-03-2014
Originally Posted by Corona688
Why not use the already existing vector class?
That's what I want to do. I have some code that uses its own vector class. Now want to change it to use std:: vector

---------- Post updated at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:24 AM ----------

Have now started modifications to use vector.

Current problem is what to do instead of calling

MAT[i] = new vector<T> (N);

template <class T>
class Matrix {

  std::vector< std::vector<T> > MAT;


  unsigned  M;  ///< Number of rows
  unsigned  N;  ///< Number of column


  /// \brief Creates a matrix
  /// Matrix b;


  /// \brief Creates a matrix of size (m,n), 
  /// Matrix b(3,2);

     const int  m,
     const int  n

  /// \brief Sets a matrix to another matrix
  /// Matrix b(a);

     const Matrix&  a

  /// \brief Destroys a matrix


  /// \brief      Return a reference to element i in a vector
  /// \param[in]  i

  operator [] 
     const int  i

  /// \brief      Return a reference to element i in a vector
  /// \param[in]  i

  operator [] 
     const int  i
   ) const;


---------- Post updated at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:46 AM ----------

Not sure how much this will work

template <class T>

 const unsigned  m,
 const unsigned  n
 ) {

  M = m;
  N = n;

  for (unsigned i = 0;  i < M;  i++)
      MAT[i].resize (N);


template <class T>

 const Matrix<T>&  a
 ) {

  M = a.M;
  N = a.N;

  for(int i = 0; i<M; i++)
      vector<T>  v;
      for(int j = 0; j<N; j++)


Last edited by kristinu; 03-03-2014 at 01:39 PM..
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