Swap call by reference confusion

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Top Forums Programming Swap call by reference confusion
# 15  
Old 02-20-2014
Thanks a lot!
# 16  
Old 02-20-2014
Originally Posted by yifangt
Thanks, I think this is the part I am not clear about:
You changed the values of X and Y, not their contents.
Does that imply if I want to change the contents of pointers X and Y, only expression *X = *Y must be used? Please confirm this, thank you!
Yes! This is exactly what I mean.

Pointers never, ever, ever access their contents without being explicitly told, with the * -> [] operators. This is why I keep comparing them to dumb integers -- they are. No integer or assignment operator is going to assume you want a pointer's contents instead of its value, unless you dereference it with the * -> [] operators.
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