compiling and linking 2 C files ...??

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# 1  
Old 09-18-2001
compiling and linking 2 C files ...??

Hi mates,
I am trying to copile and link to C programs with command:

cc file1,file2

but i raises the error "file not found" ... am i doing the right way?

any suggestion will be appreciated.


# 2  
Old 09-18-2001
Try with a space in between, instead of a comma.
# 3  
Old 09-24-2001

Or, put a space after the comma.
# 4  
Old 09-28-2001
Maybe I'm reading too much in...


Maybe I'm interpreting this wrong, but you want to compile two SEPARATE progs, not use one as an include for the other?
In the first case, I yield to the other posts and say go with the space in between, but it really looks to me like you want to compile some related progs that are function declarations or something (forgive the c++, it is my first love over and above C)???
In that case, make the one that needs to be compiled first an include:

gcc -include

If that helps at all, I'm pleased,


# 5  
Old 10-02-2001

try this:

cc -c file1.c
cc file2.c file1.o

a.out is the executable created

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