Identifying a missing primary key

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Old 04-06-2013
Identifying a missing primary key

I have the following method to identify missing primary keys in a MySQL database schema:
USE information_schema;
SELECT xx.table_name 
FROM (SELECT table_name, COUNT(*) FROM columns WHERE table_schema = @myDB GROUP BY table_name, column_key) xx 
GROUP BY xx.table_name 

I am not particularly enamored with the xx solution, because one can never be certain that a table with that name does not already exist. Does anyone know of a solution which is more elegant?
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Alzabo::Table(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					Alzabo::Table(3pm)

Alzabo::Table - Table objects SYNOPSIS
use Alzabo::Table; my $t = $schema->table('foo'); foreach $pk ($t->primary_keys) { print $pk->name; } DESCRIPTION
Objects in this class represent tables. They contain foreign key, index, and column objects. METHODS
schema Returns the "Alzabo::Schema" object to which this table belongs. name Returns the name of the table. column ($name) Returns the "Alzabo::Column" object that matches the name given. An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the table does not contain the column. columns (@optional_list_of_column_names) If no arguments are given, returns a list of all "Alzabo::Column" objects in the schema, or in a scalar context the number of such tables. If one or more arguments are given, returns a list of table objects with those names, in the same order given. An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the table does not contain one or more of the specified columns. has_column ($name) Returns a voolean value indicating whether the column exists in the table. primary_key In array context, return an ordered list of column objects that make up the primary key for the table. In scalar context, it returns the first element of that list. primary_key_size The number of columns in the table's primary key. column_is_primary_key ("Alzabo::Column" object) Returns a boolean value indicating whether the column given is part of the table's primary key. This method is really only needed if you're not sure that the column belongs to the table. Otherwise just call the "Alzabo::Col- umn->is_primary_key" method on the column object. attributes A table's attributes are strings describing the table (for example, valid attributes in MySQL are thing like "TYPE = INNODB". Returns a list of strings. has_attribute This method can be used to test whether or not a table has a particular attribute. By default, the check is case-insensitive. * attribute => $attribute * case_sensitive => 0 or 1 (defaults to 0) Returns a boolean value indicating whether the table has this particular attribute. foreign_keys Thie method takes two parameters: * column => "Alzabo::Column" object * table => "Alzabo::Table" object It returns a list of "Alzabo::ForeignKey" objects from the given column to the given table, if they exist. In scalar context, it returns the first item in the list. There is no guarantee as to what the first item will be. An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the table does not contain the specified column. foreign_keys_by_table ("Alzabo::Table" object) Returns a list of all the "Alzabo::ForeignKey" objects to the given table. In scalar context, it returns the first item in the list. There is no guarantee as to what the first item will be. foreign_keys_by_column ("Alzabo::Column" object) Returns a list of all the "Alzabo::ForeignKey" objects that the given column is a part of, if any. In scalar context, it returns the first item in the list. There is no guarantee as to what the first item will be. An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the table does not contain the specified column. all_foreign_keys Returns a list of all the "Alzabo::ForeignKey" objects for this table. In scalar context, it returns the first item in the list. There is no guarantee as to what the first item will be. index ($index_id) This method expects an index id as returned by the "Alzabo::Index->id" method as its parameter. The "Alzabo::Index" object matching this id, if it exists in the table. An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the table does not contain the specified index. has_index ($index_id) This method expects an index id as returned by the "Alzabo::Index->id" method as its parameter. Returns a boolean indicating whether the table has an index with the same id. indexes Returns all the "Alzabo::Index" objects for the table. comment Returns the comment associated with the table object, if any. AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky, <> perl v5.8.8 2007-12-23 Alzabo::Table(3pm)