Adding information to c file using perl

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2011
Adding information to c file using perl

I have c file which contains more number of tests. two or more tests in one c file. I have the XMl data regarding tests. i need to add this xml data to c file at before the test. I know which file having which test and i created hash table for that. so the problem is i have to add information to the c file at rhight place before the test. my c file look like this
* * $b Description: Pressure Valve high
#include "ccode.h"
/* Local function prototypes (static): */
void main_10ms(void)
test1 ( i need to add infomation before every test)
if {.....
if {.....

like this . i need to add information to c file using perl script. suggest me how to do this task. thanks in advance.

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Mod Comment Video tutorial on how to use code tags in The UNIX and Linux Forums.

Last edited by veerubiji; 10-07-2011 at 05:12 AM..
# 2  
Old 10-05-2011
I assume that the testnames are the keys of your hash and that you need to add the value?
So read the c file and if you match any of the test names
$test_expression="(" . join("|", keys %tests).")" ;

Then print the description after printing the line
Otherwise just print the line.
Now copy the output back over the original.
This User Gave Thanks to Skrynesaver For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-06-2011
Thanks for your reply, i will try like this and i will ask if any errors is occured.


---------- Post updated at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:43 AM ----------

Hi, i am trying like this but i am not getting result can explian little bit more. i have string names in my file like "temperature value test" i need to add information after this sting. so i read the file and i matched this string using regex but i am confusing how to add information after this.

use warnings;
use strict;
open(File, "code.c") or die "unable to open file: $!\n";
if (my $string =~ /\/\*temperature value test\*\//)
push (@string,"information");
print "$_";

but i didnt get result may be there is a wrong in my code can help me how should i add information.
thanks in advance.
# 4  
Old 10-06-2011
Seriously, try using code tags when you post code, it makes everyone's life easier.

Now to address your question...
if (my $string =~ /\/\*temperature value test\*\//)

Examine that line for a moment... what does the =~ operator do? and how could $string match anything at that point?

Take a look at the following
~/tmp$ cat code.c 
#include code.h

//first test
if (test_passes()){
//second test
if (this_test_passes()){
//third test
if (this_test_passes()){

~/tmp$ cat

use strict;

my %test_description = ('first test'=>": This is the first test we undertake\n",
                        'second test'=>": This is the second test we undertake\n",
                        'third test'=>": This is the third test we undertake\n",
open (my $code , "<", 'code.c');
my $test_finder="(" . join("|", keys %test_description).")" ;
    if (/$test_finder/){
    print $_
~/tmp$ ./
#include code.h

//first test: This is the first test we undertake
if (test_passes()){
//second test: This is the second test we undertake
if (this_test_passes()){
//third test: This is the third test we undertake
if (this_test_passes()){

Is that close to what you wish to do?
# 5  
Old 10-06-2011
thanks for reply, next time i cant repeat the mistake sorry for that.
your code is very much useful for me because my output also look like but i have hash table that contains testnumber and information to add regarding testnumber. i am trying to use that hash table.
thanks in advance.

# 6  
Old 10-06-2011
Well, what's in this hash table, and what output would you like it to produce?
# 7  
Old 10-06-2011
Actuvally i am trying like this, I have two hash tables.

Hash table1 contains strings and their numbers like as shown below
(value) (key)
pressure 2034
temperature 2035
humidity 2036 like that i have 100 stings and and numbers.

second hash table contains numbers and information like as shown below
(key) (value)
2034 information
2035 information
2036 information
.......................... like this, i have 100 strings and 100 unique numbers to the strings.

In my c file i have the strings names what i have in hash table1 like pressure, temperature, humidity ........

now i have to test if string matches in the c file then add according number and information before the string. this is my hole problem, i have to implement perl script for this task.

I am very beginner to perl, i am trying like this.
thanks in advance.

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