Fast string removal from large text collection

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# 1  
Old 10-03-2011
Fast string removal from large text collection

Hi All,

I don't want any codes for this problem. Just suggestions:

I have a huge collection of text files (around 300,000) which look like this:


The entire text collection (referenced above) has about 1 billion words.

I have created another text file which contains some words like these:


The above text file has about 300,000 such words.

As you can see the words that I have filtered out are some junk words which I want to remove from my text collection.

I have already written a code for this in C but the problem is when the code runs it seems that it will take days and months to finally clean up the entire text data.

My algorithm:
1. Read the junk.dat file and make a hash table of it.
2. Read each of the *.fil files one by one, search for words in the hash table.
3. If words present in junk.dat, then leave out that word and move onto the next word.
4. Keep doing this for the entire collection of 300000 files.

I have even tried to minimize the disk read-writes. Still it is very slow.

Below is my C code:

//This will remove one word from the entire collection.

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define _BSD_SOURCE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <search.h>

#define FILE_LIST 3000000
#define UNIQUE_WORDS 400000 //change this based on the number of words in junk.dat
#define HIGHEST_WORDS 999999 //this is the maximum number of words that
//one document has...obtained using wc -l and then sort

char ** read_file ( char * , ssize_t * );
char *file_name_generator ( void );
char * itoa( int , char * );
char * reverse ( char [] );
char *file_names ( unsigned int );

int32_t main ( int32_t argc , char **argv )
	unsigned long int number_of_words = 0;
	unsigned long int i = 0;
	unsigned long int word_counter = 0;
	unsigned long  int j = 0;

	FILE *output_pointer = NULL;
	FILE *input_pointer = NULL;

	ENTRY e , *ep;

	char **words_from_dictionary = NULL;
	char **words_from_webpage = NULL;
	char **word_array = NULL;

	char *file_name = NULL;
	file_name = ( char * ) calloc ( 300 , sizeof ( char ) );
	if ( file_name == NULL )
		perror ( "malloc() memory allocation failure" );
		return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

	words_from_dictionary = read_file ( argv [ 1 ] , &number_of_words );
	word_array = ( char * ) malloc ( HIGHEST_WORDS * sizeof ( char ) );
	if ( word_array == NULL )
		fprintf ( stderr , "malloc() memory allocation failure in word_array\n" );

	hcreate ( number_of_words );

        //creating hash table for junk.dat
	for ( i = 0 ; i < number_of_words ; i++ ) 
		e.key = words_from_dictionary [ i ]; = ( void * ) i;
		ep = hsearch ( e, ENTER );
		if ( ep == NULL )
			fprintf(stderr, "entry failed\n");
	i = 1;

	while ( i <= FILE_LIST )
		file_name = file_name_generator ();
		input_pointer = fopen ( file_name , "r" );
		if ( input_pointer == NULL )
			memset ( file_name , 0 , strlen ( file_name ) );
			continue;//if file not found move on to next file
		fclose ( input_pointer );
		words_from_webpage = read_file ( file_name , &number_of_words );//read entire words from file in an array
		for ( j = 0 ; j < number_of_words ; j ++ )
			e.key = words_from_webpage [ j ];
			ep = hsearch ( e , FIND );
			if ( ep == NULL )
				* ( word_array + word_counter++ ) = words_from_webpage [ j ];
		}//search for words

		memset ( file_name , 0 , strlen ( file_name ) );
		file_name = file_names ( i );
		output_pointer = fopen ( file_name , "w" );

		j = 0;

		while ( j < ( word_counter ) )
			fprintf ( output_pointer , "%s" , word_array [ j ] );//write the array to output file
			j ++;
		fclose ( output_pointer );

		memset ( word_array , 0 , HIGHEST_WORDS );

		for ( j = 0 ; j < number_of_words ; j ++ )
			free ( words_from_webpage [j] );
			free ( words_from_webpage );

		memset ( file_name , 0 , strlen ( file_name ) );
		word_counter = 0;
		i ++;
	free ( file_name );

return ( EXIT_SUCCESS );

char *file_names ( unsigned int i )//generate file names for writing
	char *str = NULL;
	str = ( char * ) calloc ( 7 , sizeof ( char ) );
	if ( str == NULL )
		perror ( "malloc() memory allocation error" );
		//return ( EXIT_FAILURE );
	char *file_path = NULL;
	file_path = ( char * ) calloc ( 300 , sizeof ( char ) );
	if ( file_path == NULL )
		perror ( "malloc() memory allocation failure" );

	char common_path[] = {"/test/remove_one_word/"};
	//static unsigned long int i = 1;
	str = itoa ( i , str );
	strcat ( file_path , common_path );
	strcat ( str , ".dat" );
	strcat ( file_path , str );
	i ++;

	return ( file_path );

char *file_name_generator ( void )//generate input file names
	char *str = NULL;
	str = ( char * ) calloc ( 7 , sizeof ( char ) );
	if ( str == NULL )
		perror ( "malloc() memory allocation error" );
		//return ( EXIT_FAILURE );
	char *file_path = NULL;
	file_path = ( char * ) calloc ( 300 , sizeof ( char ) );
	if ( file_path == NULL )
		perror ( "malloc() memory allocation failure" );

	char common_path[] = {"/test/remove_one_word/"};//CHANGE THIS
	static unsigned long int i = 1;
	str = itoa ( i , str );
	strcat ( file_path , common_path );
	strcat ( str , ".dat" );
	strcat ( file_path , str );
	i ++;

	return ( file_path );

char * itoa ( int n , char * s )
     unsigned long int i, sign;
     if ( ( sign = n ) < 0 )  /* record sign */
         n = -n;          /* make n positive */
     i = 0;
     do {       /* generate digits in reverse order */
         s [ i++ ] = n % 10 + '0';   /* get next digit */
     } while ( ( n /= 10 ) > 0 );     /* delete it */
     if ( sign < 0 )
         s [ i++ ] = '-';
     s [ i ] = '\0';
     reverse ( s );
	return ( s );

char * reverse ( char s [ ] )
     unsigned long int i, j;
     char c;
     for ( i = 0, j = strlen ( s ) - 1; i < j; i ++, j -- ) 
         	c = s [ i ];
         	s [ i ] = s [ j ];
         	s [ j ] = c;
	return ( s );

char ** read_file ( char *path , ssize_t *number_of_words )
	char ch;
	char *line = NULL;

	size_t len = 0;
	ssize_t read;

	(*number_of_words) = 0;
	unsigned long int i = 0;
	unsigned long int j = 0;

	FILE *pointer = NULL;
	char **word_array = NULL;

	pointer = fopen ( path , "r" );
	if ( pointer == NULL)
		perror ( "File read error " );

	//counting the number of words...
	while ( !feof ( pointer ) )
		ch = fgetc ( pointer );
		if ( ch == '\n' && ch != EOF )
			(*number_of_words) ++;

	rewind ( pointer );

	word_array = malloc ( (*number_of_words) * sizeof ( char * ) );
	if ( word_array == NULL )
		perror ( "malloc() memory allocation failure" );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < (*number_of_words) ; i ++ )
		word_array[i] = malloc ( 100 * sizeof ( char ) );
		if ( word_array[i] == NULL )
			perror ( "malloc() memory allocation failure" );

	i = 0;
	j = 0;

	while ( !feof ( pointer ) )
		while ( ( read = getline ( &line , &len , pointer ) ) != -1 )
			strcpy ( word_array[i] , line );
			if ( i <= (*number_of_words) )

	fclose ( pointer );
	return ( word_array );

I am using gcc and working on Linux.
# 2  
Old 10-03-2011
1. Stop using malloc()/calloc() and free() every time you need memory. Get ONE chunk of memory and reuse it. For example, pass a character buffer into a method instead of using calloc() to allocate a new one each and every time.
2. Fix your memory leaks - I spotted at least two, on in file_name_generator(), one caused by the return value of file_name_generator() overwriting a malloc()'d pointer.
3. Don't EVER use fgetc().
4. Don't read files TWICE. Use something like fgets() and process each word as you read it. If you're using rewind(), you've done something wrong.
This User Gave Thanks to achenle For This Post:
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