Create a database in C

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# 1  
Old 09-29-2011
Create a database in C

Hey, I have this basic server thing going on and I can't seem to allocate
memory correctly and I can't access the memory after I allocated it. I
was hoping people might suggest methods of doing this. I was thinking of
using the socket file descriptor to reference the users.
# 2  
Old 09-29-2011
What did you try, and in what way did it not work?
# 3  
Old 09-29-2011
You already kind of helped me with this problem but I ended up deleting all
of that because I couldn't access access each element. Everything would
compile but it wouldn't work the way I had expected.

Iterating and calloc questions.
# 4  
Old 09-29-2011
The compiler just tells you whether your code is syntactically correct, it doesn't tell you whether it works. It doesn't care whether your program cuts off its own foot as you end it in a semicolon.

Your problem in the other thread wasn't allocating memory. There's nothing wrong with the way you called malloc(). The problem was what you did with the memory after. You kept free()ing things you still needed, using the wrong pointers, accidentally overwriting things, etc. Your algorithm made no sense, and I couldn't correct it because you never explained what you were actually trying to do except in a generic "it uses memory" kind of way.

What you do with memory depends on how you want to arrange it and what you're putting in it.
# 5  
Old 09-29-2011
Well I want to tell you my first problem I have trying to use initialize_descr
below. The function send causes my server to crash. I initialized the data
and all should be well but I can't send data to init->newfd

int initialize_descr(int newfd, struct descr *p)
    struct descr *d;
    d = descr_list;
    if ( d != NULL ) 
        while ( d->next != NULL)
            d = d->next;
        d = d->next;
    if(!(d = malloc( sizeof(struct descr))))
        nonfatal("malloc failure");
        return 0;
    d->newfd = newfd;
    d->state = 1;
    d->next = NULL;
    p = d;

    struct descr *init = NULL;
    FD_SET(newfd, &master); /* add to master set */
    if (newfd > fdmax)      /* keep track of the max */
                   fdmax = newfd;
    const char name_prompt[] = "Character name or (n)ew: ";
    initialize_descr(newfd, init);
    send(init->newfd, name_prompt, sizeof name_prompt, 0);

---------- Post updated at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:23 PM ----------

Because of that problem I am semi diverted from using that function. I believe
someone helped me fix that once and it required using a pointer to a pointer or
something that I didn't understand well enough to want to use it.
# 6  
Old 09-29-2011
Smilie That function uses all kinds of things you don't define anywhere and you still aren't telling me what it's supposed to do.

I can see lots of obvious errors in it though -- first and foremost you never actually allocate memory for 'init', so you're just feeding a null into your initialize_descr, you copy around pointers as if that changes their contents(it doesn't) and you attempt to read from NULL with init->newfd.

Your initialize_descr function seems strange too:

int initialize_descr(int newfd, struct descr *p)
    struct descr *d;
    d = descr_list;
    if ( d != NULL ) 
        // Okay, you're trying to find the end of the list.
        while ( d->next != NULL)
            d = d->next;

        // Since the while loop ended, we know d->next == NULL.
        // So you're setting d=NULL, making the whole while loop pointless.
        d = d->next;

    // except it was pointless anyway, because the first thing you do
    // with 'd' once you've found the end of the list is trash it,
    // making it point to whatever malloc returns instead.
    if(!(d = malloc( sizeof(struct descr))))
        nonfatal("malloc failure");
        return 0;
    d->newfd = newfd;
    d->state = 1;
    d->next = NULL;

    // This does not do what you think it does.  You are setting the local variable p
    // to the address stored in d.  This does absolutely nothing to the memory
    // at that address.  It also does absolutely nothing to the variable that was
    // fed into this function.
    p = d;
    // No default return value, so you have no idea what it actually returns here

I think you're trying to append to the end of the list, right? In which case:

struct descr *initialize_descr(int newfd)
    struct descr *d=descr_list;

    if(d == NULL)
      d=malloc(sizeof(struct descr));       // Empty list, so allocate new space
      descr_list=d; // list is no longer empty
    {    // Find the end of the list
        while(d->next != NULL) d=d->next;
        // Allocate new memory and add it to ->next, NOT d
        d->next=malloc(sizeof(struct descr));
        if(d->next == NULL) return(NULL); // alloc error
        // It is now in the list.
        // Set 'd' to the new memory so we can set it below.

    if(d == NULL) return(NULL); // alloc error

    // Either way the first 'if' goes, 'd' is now memory we want to initialize.
    d->newfd = newfd;
    d->state = 1;
    d->next = NULL; // It's the end of the list
    return(d); // return a pointer to the new memory


struct descr *d=initialize_descr(fd);

Last edited by Corona688; 09-29-2011 at 02:59 PM..
# 7  
Old 09-29-2011
I want to save characters in a game. I want to use a structure so that I can make
mobile units that will smile at you if your room number is the same as theres when
the game loop iterates through a mobile function. I want to be able to save prompts
for the user so they can have cool looking experience mojo and I want to be able to
save each character every five minutes or so but I need to successfully allocate and
access and save and write to functions because you can't use one variable
simultaniously, Otherwise I will have to use files for some of this stuff and I don't
want to have to do that untill the game saves the character. Are you still lost as to
what I am trying to accomplish?

lastly I want to be able to send messages to anyone with the name
errigour or lovesly if tom types tell lovesly <message>.

---------- Post updated at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:55 PM ----------

I'm working on my own mud base.
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