10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi Guys,
I have a list a hotels stored in many different text files.
This list is kept in the following format:
The Bear Hotel
Honey Street
Rate: 100
The Bush Hotel
Nice Street
Farnham (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: freddie50
4 Replies
2. AIX
Please suggest me the ways how to get graphical interface on AIX server.I need to create oracle database for which I need graphical access.
Best regards,
Vishal (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Vishal_dba
4 Replies
3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi all,
I new to scripting and i need to know how to put the script when the capture goes down in the feeds database.. I tried with this "ps -ef | grep asn" command and it displaying the capture,apply time. But the alert we are receving now is replication is failed . So i need to develop the... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: g.nanthagopal
1 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
user=`mysql userList -uuserlist -puserlistpassword -s -N -e "SELECT userName FROM users WHERE activated='n'"`
for i in $user; do
useradd "$i" -m
doneThis is what I have done so far. But obviously it still does not work.
I'm trying to create users based on information stored in a... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: bucketuk
5 Replies
5. UNIX and Linux Applications
Hello ,
I am new in this forum and need your help as I am totally confused :confused:
I read a lot of threads and tried to search a lot but did not get the exact answer to my question.
I just want a simple (content wise may be long) shell script to create oracle database.
In detail:... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: rahoolm
5 Replies
6. Programming
I have two text files(tables) which include some information and I want to make some query codes using them.
First of all, I want to create bash script that read this two tables, create/open database and insert data from files into database.
while read line; do
... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: rlaxodus
1 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have backup file of database in my server. I want to create a that database in the same Mysql Server. How can I do that?
Please send the steps to create the database using backup file?
Thanks a lot, (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: aish11
1 Replies
8. Solaris
I installed Oracle 10 software on Solaris 11 Express, everything was fine execpt I can't create database using dbca.rsp file. I populated file with following options.
OPERATION_TYPE = "createDatabase"
GDBNAME = "solaris_user.domain.com"
SID = "solaris_user"
TEMPLATENAME = "General... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: solaris_user
0 Replies
9. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
how can i create database on unix
from command line (without using DBCA) (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: gfhgfnhhn
2 Replies
10. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
:cool: I like Vibhory2 like the idea of tapping into the kernel.. although not as indepth as he/she... i want to create a virtual databse of a few ma chines with connectivity and defiinte knowledge to create it.. I havebeen working on the project for a year now.. ! before unix (1 year exactly) i... (20 Replies)
Discussion started by: moxxx68
20 Replies