How to grep the specific string or user's list from the file

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Top Forums Programming How to grep the specific string or user's list from the file
# 1  
Old 07-25-2011
How to grep the specific string or user's list from the file

I have a file on UNIX system from where I want to grep the list of all users associated to the particular repository.If the user's list is in single line then I fetch all list but if it is in two separate lines it doesn't.I use the below command
a=KESTREL-DEV;b=users;cat access_file|grep "^${a}"-"${b}"
and it give me the output
KESTREL-DEV-users = tejalben.patel

whereas in the file string is below way

KESTREL-DEV-users = tejalben.patel
eswal,e033044,c173749,craig.cartwright,sandeep.gupta,janet.crouse,valerie.senecal,paul.rutan,heather .hill,seema.shamim

Please let me know how could I achieve this or fetch the list of all user's associated with particular repository either it in a single row or in multiple rows.

Thanks in advance

Rohit Singh
# 2  
Old 07-25-2011
For just the given case (GNU grep):

a=KESTREL-DEV;b=users;cat access_file|grep -2 "^${a}"-"${b}"

But if you want more general solution you should give more information and more example of "access_file".
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