Ubuntu 10.04 + Multicast Receiver c++

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Old 07-13-2011
Ubuntu 10.04 + Multicast Receiver c++

Hello all,

I have created a UDP multicast transmitter and receiver, first using windows. But now I need the receiver to run on Ubuntu 10.04.

The code is the following:
/************************** Receiver *************************/
// Module Name: Receiver.c
// Description:
//    This sample receives UDP datagrams by binding to the specified
//    interface and port number and then blocking on a recvfrom()
//    call
/************************** Receiver *************************/

#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <sys/types.h> // data types
#include "sys/socket.h"
#include <netinet/in.h>    // internet address family
#include <arpa/inet.h>  // internet operations

typedef unsigned long DWORD;
using namespace std;

int    iPort = 1234; // Port to receive on
DWORD    dwCount, // Number of messages to read
    dwLength; // Length of receiving buffer
int    packet_length,
bool bInterface = true; // Use an interface other than default
char*    szInterface;  // Interface to read datagrams from
char*    multicast_grp_add;
char*    multicast_src_add;

char*    filename_video;
string    filename_video_seq;
char*    filename_file;
char*    filename_count;
int    max_burst_length        = 0;
int    current_burst_length            = 0;
int    prev_index            = 0;
int    current_index            = 0;

#define DWL 1316

// Function: SetArgs
// Description: Set Global Parameters
void SetArgs()
    dwCount                = 1298;                //-c
    dwLength        = 1316;                //-l
    szInterface        =  "";        //-i
    multicast_grp_add    = "";            //-g
    multicast_src_add    = "";        //-s
    filename_video        = "video_out.mp4";        //-v
    filename_video_seq    = "seq_video_out.mp4";
    filename_file        = "file_out.txt";        //-f
    filename_count        = "count_out.txt";        //-t
    packet_length        = dwLength - 6; 
    remainder        = 174;                //-r

// Function: ValidateArgs
// Description:
//    Parse the command line arguments, and set some global flags to
//    indicate what actions to perform
void ParseArgs(int argc, char* argv[])
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'c') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'C'))
            // the number of packets to receive
            cout << "the number of packets to receive" << endl;
            dwCount            = atol(argv[i+1]);
            cout << dwCount << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'l') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'L'))
            // the number of characters to receive
            cout << "set dwLength" << endl;
            dwLength        = atol(argv[i+1]);
            cout << dwLength << endl;
            cout << "set packet_length" << endl;
            packet_length    = dwLength - 6;
            cout << packet_length << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'r') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'R'))
            // Remainder
            cout << "Remainder" << endl;
            remainder        = atol(argv[i+1]);
            cout << remainder << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'i') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'I'))
            // Interface of the current receiver
            cout << "set interface" << endl;
            szInterface        = argv[i+1];
            cout << szInterface << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'g') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'G'))
            // multicast group address
            cout << "set multicast group address" << endl;
            multicast_grp_add = argv[i+1];
            cout << multicast_grp_add << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 's') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'S'))
            // multicast source address
            cout << "set multicast source address" << endl;
            multicast_src_add = argv[i+1];
            cout << multicast_src_add << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'v') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'V'))
            // video file path
            cout << "set video" << endl;
            filename_video = argv[i+1];
            cout << filename_video << endl;
            filename_video_seq = filename_video;
            filename_video_seq.insert(0, "seq_");
            cout << filename_video_seq << endl;

        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 'f') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'F'))
            // file path
            cout << "set file" << endl;
            filename_file = argv[i+1];
            cout << filename_file << endl;
        else if ((*(argv[i]+1) == 't') || (*(argv[i]+1) == 'T'))
            // count path
            cout << "set count" << endl;
            filename_count = argv[i+1];
            cout << filename_count << endl;

// Function: main
// Description:
//    Main thread of execution. Initialize Winsock, parse the command
//    line arguments, create a socket, bind it to a local interface
//    and port, and then read datagrams.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int s;
  int ret, i, n;
  int    count; // Keeps track of the number of packets received
  char count_s[50];
  DWORD index_dw;
  char index[7];
    struct sockaddr_in sender,local;
    socklen_t dwSenderSize;

    // Multicast
struct ip_mreq imr;

    char * str_rx_total;
   size_t total_b;
    // Parse arguments
      ParseArgs(argc, argv);    

ofstream out_video(filename_video, ios::out|ios::binary);
      // out_video will store packets exactly as received
      ofstream out_video_seq(filename_video_seq.c_str(), ios::out|ios::binary);
      // out_video_seq will store packets according to the index
      ofstream out_file(filename_file, ios::out);
      ofstream out_count(filename_count, ios::out);

    // total bytes to receive
    total_b          = packet_length*(dwCount-1)+ remainder;
    str_rx_total    = new (nothrow) char [total_b];
    if (!str_rx_total)
        // error assigning memory to str_rx_total
    printf ("Error in creating str_rx_total\n");
    return 1;

cout << total_b << endl;
    // set all values in str_rx_total to zero
    memset(str_rx_total, 0, total_b);
if (out_video && out_video_seq && out_file && out_count)
  // Create the socket
  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
  if (s<0)    
    printf("socket() failed");
    return 1;
  cout << "socket success" << endl;

  int reuse = 1;
  if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&reuse, sizeof (reuse))<0)
      perror("Setting SO_REUSEADDR error");
    printf("Setting SO_REUSEADDR...OK.\n");

  // Bind the socket to an interface
  local.sin_family = AF_INET;
  local.sin_port   = htons((short)iPort);
  if (bInterface)
        local.sin_addr.s_addr    = inet_addr(szInterface);
      local.sin_addr.s_addr    = htonl(INADDR_ANY); 
  if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&local, sizeof(local)) < 0)
      printf("bind() failed");
      return 1;

  cout << "bind success" << endl;
  imr.imr_interface.s_addr    = inet_addr(szInterface);
  // the interface of the receiver - ip address of the receiver
  imr.imr_multiaddr.s_addr    = inet_addr(multicast_grp_add);
  // ip address of the multicast group
if (setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char *)&imr, sizeof(imr)) < 0)
      scanf ("%*c");
      return 1;
 cout << "set socket ok" << endl;
// Allocate the receive buffer
        char recvbuf[DWL];

 // Read the datagrams
 count = 0;
 char * str_rx;
 str_rx = new (nothrow) char [packet_length];
 if (str_rx != 0)
     for(i = 0; i < dwCount+3; i++)
       // +3 to include the quit signals
     dwSenderSize = sizeof(sender);
     cout << "before read" << endl;
     int received = 0;
     if ((received =  recvfrom(s, &recvbuf, dwLength, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sender, &dwSenderSize)) < 0)
         printf("recvfrom() failed;\n");
     else if (received == 0)
       // received something
       // processing what was received
           cout << "after read" << endl;
         recvbuf[received] = '\0';

         // output on screen
         printf("[%s] sent me:\n", inet_ntoa(sender.sin_addr));

         // append to out_file the index of the current packet
         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         index[i] = *(recvbuf+i);
         index[6] = '\n';
         out_file.write(index, 7);
         index_dw = atoi(index);
         //printf("index_dw = %d\n", index_dw);
printf("index_dw = %lu\n", index_dw);

         if (index_dw != 111111)
           {    // not quit signal

         printf("total packets received: %d\n", count);
         n = sprintf(count_s, "total received packets: %d\n", count);
         out_count.write(count_s, n);
         current_index = index_dw;
         current_burst_length = current_index - prev_index;
         if (current_burst_length > max_burst_length)
             // update variables
             max_burst_length = current_burst_length;

         prev_index = current_index;

         // creating the video
         if (index_dw == dwCount-1)
             // receive the last packet
             // therefore require only 'remainder' characters
             char * str_rx_remainder;
             str_rx_remainder = new (nothrow) char [remainder];
             if (str_rx_remainder != 0)
             for (int index = 0; index < remainder; index++)
                 *(str_rx_remainder+index) = *(recvbuf+6+index);
                 // 6 being the number of characters dedicated to the 
                 // sequence number of the packet

                 // update str_rx_total
                 *(str_rx_total+(index_dw*packet_length)+index) = *(recvbuf+6+index);
             printf("Extract %d\n", remainder);
             out_video.write(str_rx_remainder, remainder);
             // memory was not assigned correctly
             cout << "Error in assigning str_rx_remainder" << endl;
             // use all characters except the first 6 characters
             for (int index = 0; index < packet_length; index++)
             *(str_rx+index) = *(recvbuf+6+index);
             // 6 being the number of characters dedicated to the 
             // sequence number of the packet

             //update str_rx_total
             *(str_rx_total+(index_dw*packet_length)+index) = *(recvbuf+6+index);
             out_video.write(str_rx, packet_length);
         // quit signal
         // must exit
         out_video_seq.write(str_rx_total, total_b);

         printf("max burst length: %d\n", max_burst_length);
         printf("exiting: please press any key");
         // WSACleanup();
         return 0;
     // memory was not assigned correctly
     cout << "Error in assigning str_rx" << endl;
     return 1;


 out_video_seq.write(str_rx_total, total_b);


 return 0;
     // did not open the files correctly
     printf ("Problem opening files");
     scanf ("%*c");
     exit (1);
/************************* End of Receiver **********************/

The problem is: the code just stops at recvfrom .. It does not work. It stops over there and returns nothing.
Can anyone please help me?

I can see the packets using tcpdump

Thanks a lot

Last edited by Franklin52; 07-13-2011 at 09:11 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
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