Linking in OpenSSL libcrypto Statically

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# 1  
Old 07-01-2011
Linking in OpenSSL libcrypto Statically

I have a C++ program which includes lots of libraries, including openssl libcrypto. In fact, the g++ switches are:

-lxml2 -lcrypto -lcurl etc.

The problem is that when I try to run it on a different flavor of Linux, it complains that it cannot load I did some research and learned about the difference between static and shared libraries, but can't quite figure out what steps to take to compile the libcrypto library in such a way that everything goes into the executable so that my program can be portable. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

# 2  
Old 07-01-2011
You need to compile/link with -lcrypto -L dir of libcrypto.a to get a static link. If only .so is available, it will go dynamic.

It is portable in two pieces or if the far end has a compatible .so, hopefully one that is not hacked! It saves space, disk and RAM, increases cache hits as all on one host use same lib at once, and takes little time to dynamically link.
# 3  
Old 07-01-2011
Thanks. Can you give me an example of what the command would look like?
# 4  
Old 07-01-2011
Depends on the compiler, usually in a make file.
gcc -o yourname -Bstatic -L<dir-of-libcrypto.a> -lcrypto . . . yourfile.c

This User Gave Thanks to DGPickett For This Post:
# 5  
Old 07-01-2011
Thanks, but I have one point of confusion. How can I make this apply only to the one library libcrypto and not to any of the others in the list?
# 6  
Old 07-01-2011
Just put -Bdynamic before mentioning them, order is important left to right.
# 7  
Old 07-01-2011
Originally Posted by DGPickett
Depends on the compiler, usually in a make file.
gcc -o yourname -Bstatic -L<dir-of-libcrypto.a> -lcrypto . . . yourfile.c

Ah, lcrypto is it? Thanks! I always wondered why I couldn't compile ssl-using things statically when giving -static -lssl...
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