Hey there,
First post here in the Unix forums, but I have used them a lot for research over the last year. Anyways, to why I'm here now:
I'm working on a project and I'll be using the
AIS Parser SDK by Brian C. Lane (can't post the link, but google that and the first 8 links will be relevant) and I'll preferably do it in python. Why python? Mostly because it'll be easier than doing it in C. Problem is, I have no idea how to even get the included python code working. The included readme mentions using a buildit script compile the modules, but I can't seem to get the examples to work.
If you haven't figured out by now, I'm a python newbie. But as I stated above, doing this project in python would be easier than doing it in C (especially since regardless of which I choose, that's the language I'd be learning for the first time).
The one example I'm trying to get to work is in the sdk, located in the python/linux/examples/last_ais folder. Any help would be appreciated.