That's not an option at work. But Silk Road works fine and isn't ugly. And while they allow me to use any Netscape, I'm leaving MSIE out of the picture as much as I can. (At home on FreeBSD, I use Mozilla 1.)
Hello all,
I would like to know if there is a generally accepted unix shell programming Guideline?
Do you have any idea where to find this?
There are a lot of programming Guidelines to find over Google, but is there one who is generally accepted? (3 Replies)
Does any one know what uucp stands for, what gopher is, does any one go BBS and edit with ed? If yes, are there any uucp providers today? Sometimes i get bored by all the Web @@@@ , and feel lonely in the world without uucp and free (realy free - no stupid Spamhaus etc) mailing lists.
Action (14 Replies)
How would one go about adding or removing the applications (keyboard, mouse, beep, screen, etc) from CDE's style manager (/usr/dt/bin/dtstyle)?
running solaris 5.10 (4 Replies)