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# 29  
Old 09-04-2002

Oh is it Peter...

Then i think no one would be able to upload their avatars..

Only the existing ones are always showing...
# 30  
Old 09-04-2002
You realise I'm blaming you for this!! Smilie
# 31  
Old 09-04-2002
We will be upgrading vBulletin to the lastest releases in the next week or so, perhaps that will help.

Take it easy, it is just an avatar in a free forum.....
# 32  
Old 09-04-2002
But peter,

I didn't ask u to do such kind of a check from your pc.. Smilie
# 33  
Old 09-04-2002
Take it easy, it is just an avatar in a free forum.....
Good point that! Perhaps just clarifying that this isn't a 'user problem'.
# 34  
Old 09-05-2002
avatar uploading is working fine if you follow the conditions specified. image size less than 7K and 64x64 pixels. but .bmp extension does not work.
# 35  
Old 09-05-2002
If BMPs don't work as avatars, simply upload GIFs and JPEGs of the correct size and contact vBulletin and let them know of your concerns:


My suggestion is to wait until we upgrade, because we are behind a few minor revisions.

Best Regards, Neo
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