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Old 11-10-2000

(1) No flames, shouting (all caps), sarcasm, bullying or arrogant posts.

(2) No negative comments about others or unpolite remarks. Be patient.

(3) Refrain from idle chatter that does not contribute to the knowledge base.

(4) Do not 'bump up' questions if they are not answered promptly.

(5) Search the forums database with your keywords before asking.

(6) Do not post classroom or homework problems.

(7) No job postings from headhunters or recruiters in technical forums.

(8) No BSD vs. Linux vs. Windows or similar threads.

(9) Edit your posts if you see spelling or grammar errors (don't write in cyberchat or cyberpunk style). English only.

(10) Don't post your email address and ask for an email reply. The forums are for the benefit of all, so all Q&A should take place in the forums.

(11) No forum registrations from or email accounts.

(12) The forum administrators reserve the right to prune, move or edit posts that do not adhear to the rules or are technically inaccurate.

(13) The forum administrators reserve the right remove users or change their posting status to read only without notice if any rules are not followed.

(14) No smoking in the forums.

Additional helpful suggestion to all posters (for better, faster replies to questions):

(A) Include as many pertinent details as possible in your post. Useful information usually includes: Vendor and version of hardware or software you are using, hardware platform, kernel version (if applicable).

(B) For hardware related questions include model name/number of any affected components. For software issues, indicate which commands you are issuing and any error messages if applicable. Accuracy is important -- copy and paste if possible.

(C) Remember, this is a non-commerical forum dedicated to the open and universal exchange of information. Please help keep the quality of the posts very high for the entire world community.

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