Windows section?!?

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# 1  
Old 04-08-2002
Windows section?!?

Since when did become Just my opinion, but I think this forum should stick to what it does well: providing Unix knowledge. Is there any user preference for ignoring a particular topic section?
# 2  
Old 04-08-2002
I agree with PxT. I was thinking the same as what he does. We should stick on one Unix Q&A Forum. As for windows based question.. how to advise users technicaly on their problems.
# 3  
Old 04-10-2002
That section was intended to be the forum to move the UNIX - Windows questions, which we get a lot of. It is not good to be perceived as technology bigots...... so the plan was to move Windows and DOS questions to that section. I've tried to address your concerned by reworking the description.... is that helpful?
# 4  
Old 04-11-2002
I think the new description is a big help.

Originally posted by Neo
It is not good to be perceived as technology bigots......
I prefer to think of it as being perceived as a specialist rather than a bigot, but I suppose both are true. And if I may be completely honest here, I make a very good living as a unix expert. It's in my best interest to advance unix in the marketplace at the expense of any competitors to unix. It is my hope that by helping people out who are having trouble with unix that I am tilting the scale. If they stay with unix, they are a potential employer. That's not true (for me) if they switch to a competing OS. As more companies use unix, the demand for unix experts rises. This is good for me. Smilie
# 5  
Old 04-11-2002
Agreed... and if windows users feel like they are not important when they try to move to a more robust operating environment, like unix, they might have trouble making the mental evolution.

Hopefully the new description addresses PxT's and your concerns.
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