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# 8  
Old 05-18-2003
Should we create a homework section?

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Should we create a homework section?

# 9  
Old 05-18-2003
Neo, this thread is closed. How are folks supposed to respond to your query? (I opened it long enough to post this.)

I'm not sure what the best policy is. But I don't think that I am really doing anyone a favor by doing their assignments for them.

If we do allow homework questions, I think people are more apt to get a useful response if they show some evidence of a reasonable attempt to help themselves rather than simply posting the question.
# 10  
Old 05-18-2003
Thanks for reminding me it was closed. One problem with being an admin is that you can post to closed threads; so, I opened it again and pose the question:

Do we need a homework section? Should that section be moderated (must be reviewed first by a moderator)?

Or, is the issue closed for another year and let's keep things the way they are?

# 11  
Old 05-18-2003
I was about to post a long reply to this thread, but I envisioned a long argument with the O.P.

But after looking at that thread, I really think the unix.com policy should be to not help students with homework, no matter how "stuck" they say they are or how far along they appear to be. I know some past posts involved students posting what they had completed so far and you could tell they really were making every effort and were stuck. But I don't think their teachers would be happy if they could come to unix.com and have someone here finish their assignment for them, no matter how close they are. If the student is almost there, then I believe the teacher would much rather the student come to them so s/he can decide how and how much to help the student.

It's true they can still search unix.com and the rest of the Internet looking for answers, but at least they'll have to be critical about what they find and there's no one consciously just handing it to them..
# 12  
Old 05-27-2003
OK, I'll close this thread again and well keep the rules as they are.

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