Whether anything went wrong ?

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# 15  
Old 02-15-2014
Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
Yes Neo disabling the old color scheme will be the best in future point of view.
Yes, I agree.

Having an unsupported user choice is going to result in these types of discussions more often that I / we all would like to have

Thanks again; and keep up the great work in the forums.

You are doing a great job, BTW; and thanks for looking out for these kinds of issues.
# 16  
Old 02-15-2014

Since it is the DBSEO meta data for "description" that was causing the issue; as a "quick fix" I moved the CSS include file "up" in the HTML file (far above the meta data description tag, and this appears to have "quick fixed" this issue.

It's not a perfect fix, but it seems to work for now.
# 17  
Old 02-26-2014
I am confused that whether I have to create new thread for this issue or have to continue here, there is one small issue I noticed now, when I am clicking on my username its showing following
  • Send private message to Akshay Hegde
  • Send email to Akshay Hegde
  • Add Akshay Hegde to your contacts

I think these links need to be hidden.
screen shot is attached here.
Whether anything went wrong  ?-modicationpng
# 18  
Old 02-26-2014
There is no reason to hide those links.

They have been visible for over 10 years.
# 19  
Old 02-26-2014
Please note:

Bug reports, feature request, etc. should be posted here.

Not sure why you are confused. The description of that forum area is pretty clear.

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