disc ownership permissions

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Operating Systems OS X (Apple) disc ownership permissions
# 1  
Old 12-07-2007
disc ownership permissions

Hi all,
I am running OSX 10.4.11 on a G4 Sawtooth with 3 internal hard drives. Recently while setting up new user accounts for family members, I foolishly assigned 'No Access' to 2 drives other than the boot drive. Naturally, they now don't appear on the desktop. I tried to fix permissions/ownership for these drives with Disk Utility, but the volumes are indicated by a document icon and the fix permissions button is grayed out. How do I re-establish ownership? I have an admin account but am quite ignorant of Netinfo or Terminal. Many thanks
# 2  
Old 12-11-2007
You'll need to be logged in as an administrator on the machine, then:

ls -al /Volumes/

You'll see a list of volumes. Hopefully your other volumes will be listed there. Then:

sudo chmod 755 /Volumes/yourseconddrivesname
sudo chmod 755 /Volumes/yourthirddrivesname
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