How do you list the most recent files writen to a volume

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Operating Systems OS X (Apple) How do you list the most recent files writen to a volume
# 1  
Old 10-12-2007
How do you list the most recent files writen to a volume


I have a couple of xRaids and recently over night something happened on one of the volumes which maxed out all the disk space.

What is the shell command to list the most recent files written to a volume as there are like millions of files on this share.

I'm thinking along the lines of du / df or a ls -ltr sort of things, I remember doing this on solaris before but forgot the commands.

Anyone know the commands to list the most recent files written?

# 2  
Old 10-12-2007
I think ls -Rt would work on OS X per the man page.
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