sed is evil

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Old 03-21-2002
sed is evil

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fixnt(1)							      Debian								  fixnt(1)

fixnt - Filter for the Windows NT postscript printer driver. SYNOPSIS
The Windows NT postscript driver has a tendency to make broken postscript files, that are incompatible with psutils. fixnt is a filter that fixes these problems, allowing the use of psnup(1). The filter takes the broken postscript file on stdin, and outputs a fixed postscript file on stdout. It has no other form for invocation and takes no options on the command-line. OPTIONS
fixnt takes no options. BUGS
fixnt does not check for NTPSOct94. For a workaround, use a sed(1) command to replace 'NTPSOct94' with 'NTPSOct95', like so: sed 's/NTPSOct94/NTPSOct95/g' This is particularly important for Windows NT 3.5 users. AUTHOR
fixnt was written by Holger Bauer <>, Michael Rath <>, and Akim Demaille <>. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to the Authors, but avoid sending large postscript files. Patches are always welcome; send to <>. SEE ALSO
psnup(1), sed(1) a2ps February 2003 fixnt(1)