My technical lib has over 200 books, about half UNIX and programming related, the other have is electrical & computer engineering related.
I would be very interested to see the books that others are recommending and using. As a side note, I am going to the bookstore in a few minutes to check out the IMAP book by O'Reilly.
Also, for those of you who live near Universities, many have 'friends of the library programs' which will provide a library card for a 'small charitable donation'. I live in Northern Virginia (US) and George Mason University (GMU) has a program which I belong which for about $40 a year gives me 3 week checkout privs on up to 25-30 books. Obviously, if you have this sort of program at your local University you can save a lot of money.
In fact, when I'm in the middle of some difficult project; I often go to GMU and supplement my bookshelf with books from GMU. More often, however, I just go to the bookstore and write down the ISBN numbers of the new books I like and order from Amazon at a discount
If I'm in a hurry, I will buy locally as well (like today, on IMAP architectures).
Let's compile a list of the most read and like books and I'll put up some Amazon links for fun. These forums are strickly non-profit, BTW... so links are for reference only.
[Edited by Neo on 11-30-2000 at 02:22 AM]