Query: floor
OS: ultrix
Section: 3m
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floor(3m) floor(3m) Name floor, ffloor, fabs, ceil, ceil, trunc, ftrunc, fmod, rint - floor, absolute value, ceiling, truncation, floating point remainder and round-to-nearest functions Syntax #include <math.h> double floor(x) double x; float ffloor(x) float x; double ceil(x) double x; float fceil(x) float x; double trunc(x) double x; float ftrunc(x) float x; double fabs(x) double x; double fmod (x, y) double x, y; double rint(x) double x; Description The and routines return the largest integer which is not greater than x for double and float data types, respectively. The and routines return the smallest integer which is not less than x for double and float data types, respectively. The and routines return the integer (represented as a floating-point number) of x with the fractional bits truncated for double and float data types respectively. The routine returns the absolute value |x|. The routine returns the floating point remainder of the division of x by y: zero if y is zero or if x/y would overflow; otherwise the num- ber f with the same sign as x, such that x = iy + f for some integer i, and |f| < |y|. The routine returns the integer (represented as a double precision number) nearest x in the direction of the prevailing rounding mode. In the default rounding mode, to nearest, is the integer nearest x with the additional stipulation that if |rint(x)-x|=1/2 then is even. Other rounding modes can make act like or or round towards zero. Another way to obtain an integer near x is to declare (in C) double x; int k; k = x; The C compiler rounds x towards 0 to get the integer k. Also note that, if x is larger than k can accommodate, the value of k and the presence or absence of an integer overflow are hard to predict. The routine is in libc.a rather than libm.a. See Also abs(3), ieee(3m), math(3m) RISC floor(3m)