ultrix man page for krb_recvmutual

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krb_sendmutual(3krb)													      krb_sendmutual(3krb)

       krb_sendmutual, krb_recvmutual - Kerberos mutual authentication routines

	#include <krb.h>
	#include <des.h>

	int krb_sendmutual (options, msg_out, success, fd,
				     f_addr, l_addr, ad, schedule)
	long		   options;
	KTEXT	      msg_out;
	int	      success;
	int	      fd;
	struct sockaddr_in *f_addr;
	struct sockaddr_in *l_addr;
	AUTH_DAT      *ad;
	Key_schedule	   schedule;

	int krb_recvmutual (options, fd, checksum, msg_in,
				     msg_data, cred, schedule, l_addr,
	long		   options;
	int	      fd;
	u_long		   checksum;
	KTEXT	      msg_in;
	MSG_DAT       *msg_data;
	Key_schedule	   schedule;
	struct sockaddr_in *l_addr;
	struct sockaddr_in *f_addr;

       options	defined in There is only one option currently supported, KOPT_NORDWR.  If this option is not set, the mutual authentication infor-
		mation is read either from the supplied file descriptor, fd, or sent across the supplied file descriptor, fd.  If it is specified,
		then  no  data	is  read from or written to the file descriptor; instead, data is read from and written to the buffers supplied as
		parameters, msg_in, msg_out.

       fd	the file descriptor used to send data to the foreign principal, or it is the file descriptor from  which  data	from  the  foreign
		principal can be read.

		The foreign principal is the principal to which the principal that calls a routine, the local principal, is attempting to mutually
		authenticate itself.  The file descriptor must be associated with a socket that uses blocking I/O.  The fd parameter is  not  used
		if the KOPT_NORDWR option is set.

       f_addr	the address of the socket that the foreign principal uses to communicate with the local principal.

       l_addr	the address of the socket that the local principal uses to communicate with the foreign principal.

       msg_out	If  KOPT_NORDWR  is  sent as an option, msg_out is used as a buffer to store the mutual authentication data that should be sent to
		the foreign principal.	If KOPT_NORDWR is not set, msg_out is not used and the mutual authentication message is written to fd.

       success	If success is not set to KSUCCESS, then the mutual authentication message generated by is  a  message  indicating  failure.   This
		parameter  is  useful  if  the	initial  attempt  to authenticate the foreign principal failed.  Since this initial authentication
		attempt failed, then the attempt to authenticate the local principal to the foreign principal also must fail.  If success  is  set
		to KSUCCESS, then a mutual authentication message is generated.

       ad	a  pointer  to the AUTH_DAT structure that describes the authentication association between the local and foreign principals.  The
		ad structure is output from (see and is used as input to Space for the ad structure must be allocated.

       checksum input to it must have the same value as the checksum used as input to (see or to (see The checksum  is	included  in  the  ticket-
		authenticator  pair  produced by and sent by to the foreign principal.	It serves as a secret piece of data that can only be known
		to the foreign principal if the foreign principal was authenticated as the foreign principal.  It is included  by  in  the  mutual
		authentication	message.   If the checksum input to matches the one sent back by then the caller of is authenticated to the caller

       msg_in	If KOPT_NORDWR is sent as an option, then data in msg_in is read as if it contained the mutual authentication  bits  sent  to  the
		local  principal  by the foreign principal.  If KOPT_NORDWR is not set, then msg_in is not used and the mutual authentication mes-
		sage is read from fd.

       msg_data a structure returned by that is filled with the mutual authentication message sent to the local principal as well  as  information
		about the status of the message.  Space must be allocated for the msg_data structure.

       cred	a pointer to a credentials structure that is input to The credentials structure that cred points to must be the credentials struc-
		ture that includes the ticket that the local principal uses to authenticate the foreign principal.  This credential  structure	is
		usually obtained through the use of (See

       schedule the  key  schedule  derived  from the session key between the local and foreign principals.  It is input to both and and it can be
		generated from the session key with (see

       The routines are designed to be used by applications which communicate over the network, support "on-the-wire" protocols in which authenti-
       cation information can be placed, and require both parties in the communications process to be authenticated to the other (mutual authenti-
       cation).  They are best used with and If a principal "A" calls and sends the output to principal "B", which uses to interpret the data suc-
       cessfully,  then  "B" will have authenticated principal "A".  But, principal "A" will not know that the message it sent was really received
       by "B".	To prove the identity of principal "B" to principal "A" after the calls to and are finished, the calls are used.

       and can also be used with and by applications which cannot tolerate additions to their "on-the-wire" protocols.	After  the  communications
       channel	between  "A"  and "B" is established, but before "A" and "B" communicate and before the "on-the-wire" protocol of the applications
       comes into effect, and can be used as described above to authenticate "A" to "B".  and can then be used with the KOPT_NORDWR option not set
       to authenticate "B" to "A".

       Since  the  authentication  information	is  sent  between the applications before the "on-the-wire" protocol of the application comes into
       effect, the application must develop some way to distinguish between the new authenticated initial message exchange and an old  unauthenti-
       cated initial message exchange.	This is not a recommended use for and If you do not want to modify the "on-the-wire" protocol of an appli-
       cation, yet want to authenticate the application, then use the routines.

       The routines of this library make extensive use of the following locally defined data types: KTEXT,  AUTH_DAT,  CREDENTIALS,  Key_schedule,
       and MSG_DAT.  For more specific information on the definitions of these data types, see the and files.


       is  used  to  produce and possibly send the data that will authenticate principal "B" to principal "A".	If the authentication of principal
       "A" did not succeed, success should be set to KFAILURE, and produces a message indicating authentication failure.  If it is  set  to  KSUC-
       CESS,  then  produces  the  data  necessary  to	authenticate  "B" to "A".  If the option KOPT_NORDWR is set, the data is written to buffer
       msg_out; otherwise, it is written to file descriptor, fd.

       The following is a list of the return values and, if they are error codes, their possible cause:

       SENDMUT_OPNOTSUP  The options bits sent to contain a bit that is set but does not correspond to an option.

       SENDMUT_PARAM	 The msg_out structure must have space within it allocated to store the message.  Otherwise, SENDMUT_PARAM is returned	if
			 the KOPT_NORDWR option is set.

       SENDMUT_MAKMSG	 If there is an error in forming the mutual authentication message itself, SENDMUT_MAKMSG is returned.

       SENDMUT_WR	 If the message cannot be written to the file descriptor fd, SENDMUT_WR is returned.

       KSUCCESS 	 If the message has been correctly formed, KSUCCESS is returned.


       The  routine  interprets the mutual authentication message sent to principal "A" by principal "B".  If the KOPT_NORDWR option is set, reads
       from buffer msg_in, the message sent from "B" to "A".  Otherwise, it reads the message from file descriptor,  fd.   The	checksum  sent	as
       input  to must be the same checksum used as input to The checksum is an integral part of proving the identity of principal "B" to "A".  The
       following is a list of the return values and, if they are error codes, their possible cause:

       RECVMUT_OPNOTSUP  The options bits sent to contain a bit that is set, but does not correspond to an option.

       RECVMUT_MSGLEN	 The size of the msg_in buffer is incorrect.

       RECVMUT_RD	 If the message cannot be read from the file descriptor fd, then SENDMUT_RD is returned.

       RD_AP_VERSION	 If the Kerberos version used to create the mutual authentication message is not currently supported by then RD_AP_VERSION
			 is returned.

       RD_AP_MSG_TYPE	 If  the  message  that  is  read  from the file descriptor fd, or input as msg_in is not a mutual authentication message,
			 RD_AP_MSG_TYPE is returned.

       RD_AP_MODIFIED	 If the message has been modified between principals "B" and "A", or if was incorrectly produced, then	RD_AP_MODIFIED	is

       RD_AP_TIME	 If the mutual authentication message is too old, RD_AP_TIME is returned.

       KFAILURE 	 If  principal	"A" was not authenticated to principal "B", or if the mutual authentication message fails to identify "B",
			 KFAILURE is returned.

       KSUCCESS 	 If principal "B" has been correctly authenticated to principal "A", KSUCCESS is returned.

       and will not work properly with sockets that do not use blocking I/O.

See Also
       kerberos(3krb), krb_sendauth(3krb), des_crypt(3krb), krb_svc_init(3krb)
