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boolean(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation boolean(3pm)NAMEboolean - Boolean support for PerlSYNOPSISuse boolean; do &always if true; do &never if false; do &maybe if boolean($value)->isTrue; and: use boolean ':all'; $guess = int(rand(2)) % 2 ? true : false; do &something if isTrue($guess); do &something_else if isFalse($guess); and: use boolean -truth; die unless ref(42 == 42) eq 'boolean'; die unless ("foo" =~ /bar/) eq '0';DESCRIPTIONMost programming languages have a native "Boolean" data type. Perl does not. Perl has a simple and well known Truth System. The following scalar values are false: $false1 = undef; $false2 = 0; $false3 = 0.0; $false4 = ''; $false5 = '0'; Every other scalar value is true. This module provides basic Boolean support, by defining two special objects: "true" and "false".RATIONALEWhen sharing data between programming languages, it is important to support the same group of basic types. In Perlish programming languages, these types include: Hash, Array, String, Number, Null and Boolean. Perl lacks native Boolean support. Data interchange modules like YAML and JSON can now "use boolean" to encode/decode/roundtrip Boolean values.FUNCTIONSThis module defines the following functions: true This function returns a scalar value which will evaluate to true. The value is a singleton object, meaning there is only one "true" value in a Perl process at any time. You can check to see whether the value is the "true" object with the isTrue function described below. false This function returns a scalar value which will evaluate to false. The value is a singleton object, meaning there is only one "false" value in a Perl process at any time. You can check to see whether the value is the "false" object with the isFalse function described below. boolean($scalar) Casts the scalar value to a boolean value. If $scalar is true, it returns "boolean::true", otherwise it returns "boolean::false". isTrue($scalar) Returns "boolean::true" if the scalar passed to it is the "boolean::true" object. Returns "boolean::false" otherwise. isFalse($scalar) Returns "boolean::true" if the scalar passed to it is the "boolean::false" object. Returns "boolean::false" otherwise. isBoolean($scalar) Returns "boolean::true" if the scalar passed to it is the "boolean::true" or "boolean::false" object. Returns "boolean::false" otherwise.METHODSSince true and false return objects, you can call methods on them. $boolean->isTrue Same as isTrue($boolean). $boolean->isFalse Same as isFalse($boolean).USE OPTIONSBy default this module exports the "true", "false" and "boolean" functions. The module also defines these export tags: :all Exports "true", "false", "boolean", "isTrue", "isFalse", "isBoolean" -truth You can specify the "-truth" option to override truth operators to return "boolean" values. use boolean -truth; print ref("hello" eq "world"), " "; Prints: boolean "-truth" can be used with the other import options.AUTHORIngy doet Net <ingy@cpan.org>COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011. Ingy doet Net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html perl v5.12.4 2011-09-12 boolean(3pm)