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REPERTOIREMAP(5) Linux User Manual REPERTOIREMAP(5)NAMErepertoiremap - map symbolic character names to Unicode code pointsDESCRIPTIONA repertoire map defines mappings between symbolic character names (mnemonics) and Unicode code points when compiling a locale with localedef(1). Using a repertoire map is optional, it is needed only when symbolic names are used instead of now preferred Unicode code points. Syntax The repertoiremap file starts with a header that may consist of the following keywords: comment_char is followed by a character that will be used as the comment character for the rest of the file. It defaults to the number sign (#). escape_char is followed by a character that should be used as the escape character for the rest of the file to mark characters that should be interpreted in a special way. It defaults to the backslash (). The mapping section starts with the keyword CHARIDS in the first column. The mapping lines have the following form: <symbolic-name> <code-point> comment This defines exactly one mapping, comment being optional. The mapping section ends with the string END CHARIDS.FILES/usr/share/i18n/repertoiremaps Usual default repertoire map path.CONFORMING TOPOSIX.2.NOTESRepertoire maps are deprecated in favor of Unicode code points.EXAMPLEA mnemonic for the Euro sign can be defined as follows: <Eu> <U20AC> EURO SIGNSEE ALSOlocale(1), localedef(1), charmap(5), locale(5)COLOPHONThis page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.GNU2016-07-17 REPERTOIREMAP(5)