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CHEF-SOLO(8)							    Chef Manual 						      CHEF-SOLO(8)

chef-solo - Runs chef in solo mode against a specified cookbook location.
chef-solo (options) -c, --config CONFIG The configuration file to use -d, --daemonize Daemonize the process -g, --group GROUP Group to set privilege to -i, --interval SECONDS Run chef-client periodically, in seconds -j, --json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS Load attributes from a JSON file or URL -l, --log_level LEVEL Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal) -L, --logfile LOGLOCATION Set the log file location, defaults to STDOUT - recommended for daemonizing -N, --node-name NODE_NAME The node name for this client -r, --recipe-url RECIPE_URL Pull down a remote gzipped tarball of recipes and untar it to the cookbook cache. -s, --splay SECONDS The splay time for running at intervals, in seconds -u, --user USER User to set privilege to -v, --version Show chef version -h, --help Show this message
Chef Solo allows you to run Chef Cookbooks in the absence of a Chef Server. To do this, the complete cookbook needs to be present on disk. By default Chef Solo will look in /etc/chef/solo.rb for its configuration. This configuration file has two required variables: file_cache_path and cookbook_path. For example: file_cache_path "/var/chef-solo" cookbook_path "/var/chef-solo/cookbooks" For your own systems, you can change this to reflect any directory you like, but you'll need to specify absolute paths and the cook- book_path directory should be a subdirectory of the file_cache_path. You can also specify cookbook_path as an array, passing multiple locations to search for cookbooks. For example: file_cache_path "/var/chef-solo" cookbook_path ["/var/chef-solo/cookbooks", "/var/chef-solo/site-cookbooks"] Note that earlier entries are now overridden by later ones. Since chef-solo doesn't have any interaction with a Chef Server, you'll need to specify node-specifc attributes in a JSON file. This can be located on the target system itself, or it can be stored on a remote server such as S3, or a web server on your network. Within the JSON file, you'll also specify the recipes that Chef should run in the "run_list". An example JSON file, which sets a resolv.conf: { "resolver": { "nameservers": [ "" ], "search":"" }, "run_list": [ "recipe[resolver]" ] } Then you can run chef-solo with -j to specify the JSON file. It will look for cookbooks in the cookbook_path configured in the configura- tion file, and apply attributes and use the run_list from the JSON file specified. You can use -c to specify the path to the configuration file (if you don't want chef-solo to use the default). You can also specify -r for a cookbook tarball. For example: chef-solo -c ~/solo.rb -j ~/node.json -r In the above case, chef-solo would extract the tarball to your specified cookbook_path, use ~/solo.rb as the configuration file, and apply attributes and use the run_list from ~/node.json.
Full documentation for Chef and chef-solo is located on the Chef wiki,
Chef was written by Adam Jacob of Opscode (, with contributions from the community. This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman with help2man. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this docu- ment under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0. Chef 10.12.0 June 2012 CHEF-SOLO(8)