Query: ns_db
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Section: 3aolserv
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ns_db(3aolserver) AOLserver Built-In Commands ns_db(3aolserver) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAMEns_column, ns_db, ns_dbconfigpath, ns_dberrorcode, ns_dberrormsg, ns_dbreturnerror, ns_getcsv, ns_pooldescription, ns_quotelisttolist, ns_table - commandsSYNOPSISns_column option ?arg arg ...? ns_db option ?arg arg ...? ns_dbconfigpath option ?arg arg ...? ns_dberrorcode option ?arg arg ...? ns_dberrormsg option ?arg arg ...? ns_dbreturnerror option ?arg arg ...? ns_getcsv option ?arg arg ...? ns_pooldescription option ?arg arg ...? ns_quotelisttolist option ?arg arg ...? ns_table option ?arg arg ...? _________________________________________________________________DESCRIPTIONThese commands...SEE ALSOnsd(1), info(n)KEYWORDSAOLserver 4.0 ns_db(3aolserver)