Query: fasta_formatter
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FASTA_FORMATTER(1) User Commands FASTA_FORMATTER(1)NAMEfasta_formatter - changes the width of sequences line in a FASTA fileDESCRIPTIONusage: fasta_formatter [-h] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE] [-w N] [-t] [-e] Part of FASTX Toolkit by gordon@cshl.edu [-h] = This helpful help screen. [-i INFILE] = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN. [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT. [-w N] = max. sequence line width for output FASTA file. When ZERO (the default), sequence lines will NOT be wrapped - all nucleotides of each sequences will appear on a single line (good for scripting). [-t] = Output tabulated format (instead of FASTA format). Sequence-Identifiers will be on first column, Nucleotides will appear on second column (as single line). [-e] = Output empty sequences (default is to discard them). Empty sequences are ones who have only a sequence identifier, but not actual nucleotides. Input Example: >MY-ID AAAAAGGGGG CCCCCTTTTT AGCTN Output example with unlimited line width [-w 0]: >MY-ID AAAAAGGGGGCCCCCTTTTTAGCTN Output example with max. line width=7 [-w 7]: >MY-ID AAAAAGG GGGTTTT TCCCCCA GCTN Output example with tabular output [-t]: MY-ID AAAAAGGGGGCCCCCTTTTAGCTN example of empty sequence: (will be discarded unless [-e] is used) >REGULAR-SEQUENCE-1 AAAGGGTTTCCC >EMPTY-SEQUENCE >REGULAR-SEQUENCE-2 AAGTAGTAGTAGTAGT GTATTTTATATSEE ALSOThe quality of this automatically generated manpage might be insufficient. It is suggested to visit http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/commandline.html to get a better layout as well as an overview about connected FASTX tools. fasta_formatter May 2012 FASTA_FORMATTER(1)