Query: glutmotionfunc
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UNTITLEDLOCAL UNTITLEDNAMEglutMotionFunc -- Reports mouse-motion while a button is held.LIBRARYOpenGLUT - inputSYNOPSIS#include <openglut.h> void glutMotionFunc(void( *callback )( int x, int y ));PARAMETERScallback Client hook for dragging mouse.DESCRIPTIONThis function reports the mouse position when the mouse is dragged starting from within your window. (``Dragging'' occurs when you press one or more mouse buttons in one of your OpenGLUT windows, and then move the mouse around.) This callback is bound to the current window .CAVEATSEvents are reported until the mouse button is released, even if the mouse leaves the window. Windows created via glutCreateMenuWindow() always cascade keyboard and mouse events to their parent.SEE ALSOglutMouseFunc(3) glutPassiveMotion(3) Epoch