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unix_chkpwd(8) [xfree86 man page]

UNIX_CHKPWD(8)							 Linux-PAM Manual						    UNIX_CHKPWD(8)

unix_chkpwd - Helper binary that verifies the password of the current user SYNOPSIS
unix_chkpwd [...] DESCRIPTION
unix_chkpwd is a helper program for the pam_unix module that verifies the password of the current user. It also checks password and account expiration dates in shadow. It is not intended to be run directly from the command line and logs a security violation if done so. It is typically installed setuid root or setgid shadow. The interface of the helper - command line options, and input/output data format are internal to the pam_unix module and it should not be called directly from applications. SEE ALSO
pam_unix(8) AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Morgan and other various people. Linux-PAM Manual 09/19/2013 UNIX_CHKPWD(8)

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UNIX2_CHKPWD(8) 						 Linux-PAM Manual						   UNIX2_CHKPWD(8)

unix2_chkpwd - helper binary that verifies the password of the current user SYNOPSIS
/sbin/unix2_chkpwd servicename username DESCRIPTION
unix2_chkpwd is a helper program for applications that verifies the password of the current user. It is not intended to be run directly from the command line and logs a security violation if done so. It is typically installed setuid root or setgid shadow and called by applications, which only wishes to do an user authentication and noth- ing more. OPTIONS
unix2_pwdchk requires the following arguments: pam_service The name of the service using unix2_chkpwd. This is required to be one of the services in /etc/pam.d username The name of the user whose password you want to verify. INPUTS
unix2_pwdchk expects the password via stdin. RETURN CODES
unix2_chkpwd has the following return codes: 1 unix2_chkpwd was inappropriately called from the command line or the password is incorrect. 0 The password is correct. HISTORY
Written by Olaf Kirch loosely based on unix_chkpwd by Andrew Morgan SEE ALSO
pam(8) AUTHOR
Emily Ratliff. Linux-PAM 0.76 2003-03-21 UNIX2_CHKPWD(8)
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