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ATM-TOOLS(8)							 Debian GNU/Linux						      ATM-TOOLS(8)

linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune DOCUMENTATION
atm-tools is a package containing the basic tools that are needed for setting up, monitoring, and tuning ATM networks. All available documentation can be found in /usr/share/doc/atm-tools in Debian systems, and on the Web on: BUGS
Many. Be prepared to debug. AUTHOR
This manpage was written by Marc Haber for linux-atm packaging in Debian/GNU Operating System. atm-tools 2012-09-22 ATM-TOOLS(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

NG_ATMLLC(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					      NG_ATMLLC(4)

ng_atmllc -- ATM LLC netgraph node type SYNOPSIS
#include <netgraph/ng_atmllc.h> DESCRIPTION
The atmllc node type translates frames in to and out of ATM LLC encapsulation, as specified by RFC 1483. In LLC encapsulation the protocol of a given protocol data unit (PDU) is specified by an IEEE 802.2 LLC header, possibly followed by an IEEE 802.1a SubNetwork Attachment Point (SNAP) header. This node currently handles the Ethernet and FDDI protocols. The node transmits and receives ATM PDUs on the atm hook. Received PDUs are decoded and forwarded to the ether or fddi hooks as appropriate. Data received on the ether or fddi hooks are assumed to be full Ethernet or FDDI packets as appropriate and are encapsulated into a PDU and transmitted via the atm hook. HOOKS
This node type supports the following hooks: atm ATM connection. Typically, this hook would be connected to a ng_atm(4) node, which handles transmission of ATM PDUs over an ATM device. ether Ethernet connection. This hook sends and receives Ethernet frames. This would normally be connected to an ng_eiface(4) node if in use. fddi FDDI connection. This hook sends and receives FDDI frames. CONTROL MESSAGES
This node type supports the generic control messages. SHUTDOWN
This node shuts down upon receipt of a NGM_SHUTDOWN control message, or when all hooks have been disconnected. SEE ALSO
netgraph(4), ng_atm(4), ng_eiface(4), ngctl(8) J. Heinanen, Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5, RFC 1483. AUTHORS
Benno Rice <> BSD
March 8, 2004 BSD
Man Page

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