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e2label(8) [xfree86 man page]

E2LABEL(8)						      System Manager's Manual							E2LABEL(8)

e2label - Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem SYNOPSIS
e2label device [ volume-label ] DESCRIPTION
e2label will display or change the volume label on the ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem located on device. If the optional argument volume-label is not present, e2label will simply display the current volume label. If the optional argument volume-label is present, then e2label will set the volume label to be volume-label. Ext2 volume labels can be at most 16 characters long; if volume-label is longer than 16 characters, e2label will truncate it and print a warning message. It is also possible to set the volume label using the -L option of tune2fs(8). AUTHOR
e2label was written by Theodore Ts'o ( AVAILABILITY
e2label is part of the e2fsprogs package and is available from SEE ALSO
mke2fs(8), tune2fs(8) E2fsprogs version 1.44.1 March 2018 E2LABEL(8)

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getvol(1M)						  System Administration Commands						getvol(1M)

getvol - verifies device accessibility SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/getvol -n [-l label] device /usr/bin/getvol [-f | -F] [-ow] [-l label | -x label] device DESCRIPTION
getvol verifies that the specified device is accessible and that a volume of the appropriate medium has been inserted. The command is interactive and displays instructional prompts, describes errors, and shows required label information. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -n Runs the command in non-interactive mode. The volume is assumed to be inserted upon command invocation. -l label Specifies that the label label must exist on the inserted volume (can be overridden by the -o option). -f Formats the volume after insertion, using the format command defined for this device in the device table. -F Formats the volume after insertion and places a file system on the device. Also uses the format command defined for this device in the device table. -o Allows the administrator to override a label check. -w Allows administrator to write a new label on the device. User is prompted to supply the label text. This option is ineffective if the -n option is enabled. -x label Specifies that the label label must exist on the device. This option should be used in place of the -l option when the label can only be verified by visual means. Use of the option causes a message to be displayed asking the administrator to visually verify that the label is indeed label. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: device Specifies the device to be verified for accessibility. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 Command syntax was incorrect, invalid option was used, or an internal error occurred. 3 Device table could not be opened for reading. FILES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5) NOTES
This command uses the device table to determine the characteristics of the device when performing the volume label checking. SunOS 5.11 5 Jul 1990 getvol(1M)
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