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bos_apropos(8) [xfree86 man page]

BOS_APROPOS(8)						       AFS Command Reference						    BOS_APROPOS(8)

       bos_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string

       bos apropos -topic <help string> [-help]

       bos ap -t <help string> [-h]

       The bos apropos command displays the first line of the online help entry for any bos command that has in its name or short description the
       string specified by the -topic argument.

       To display the syntax for a command, use the bos help command.

       -topic <help string>
	   Specifies the keyword string to match, in lowercase letters only.  If the string is more than a single word, surround it with double
	   quotes ("") or other delimiters.

	   Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored.

       The first line of a command's online help entry names it and briefly describes its function. This command displays the first line for any
       bos command where the string specified with the -topic argument is part of the command name or first line.

       The following command lists all bos commands that include the word "restart" in their names or short descriptions:

	  % bos apropos restart
	  getrestart: get restart times
	  restart: restart all processes
	  setrestart: set restart times


       bos(8), bos_help(8)

       IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved.

       This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0.  It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas
       Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell.

OpenAFS 							    2012-03-26							    BOS_APROPOS(8)

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BOS_APROPOS(8)						       AFS Command Reference						    BOS_APROPOS(8)

bos_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string SYNOPSIS
bos apropos -topic <help string> [-help] bos ap -t <help string> [-h] DESCRIPTION
The bos apropos command displays the first line of the online help entry for any bos command that has in its name or short description the string specified by the -topic argument. To display the syntax for a command, use the bos help command. OPTIONS
-topic <help string> Specifies the keyword string to match, in lowercase letters only. If the string is more than a single word, surround it with double quotes ("") or other delimiters. -help Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored. OUTPUT
The first line of a command's online help entry names it and briefly describes its function. This command displays the first line for any bos command where the string specified with the -topic argument is part of the command name or first line. EXAMPLES
The following command lists all bos commands that include the word "restart" in their names or short descriptions: % bos apropos restart getrestart: get restart times restart: restart all processes setrestart: set restart times PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
bos(8), bos_help(8) COPYRIGHT
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved. This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 BOS_APROPOS(8)
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