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shape_stdvar(7) [xfree86 man page]

SHAPE_STDVAR(7) 					 Miscellaneous Information Manual					   SHAPE_STDVAR(7)

shape_stdvar - shapeTools RMS project wide variant definitions DESCRIPTION
This file contains common variant definitions to be used in a software development project supported by the shape release management sys- tem. The stdvar file defines a variant raster for a whole development project. This central definition facility unifies the naming and semantics of supported system variants. Stdvar is to be included into the Shapefiles of any part of the developed system via shape's include mechanism. The definitions in stdvar should be carefully designed and maintained for each supported project. They usually concern variant control for all hardware/operating system platforms to be supported or variant settings to produce different qualities of generated code (debug or optimized). Enclosed in the shapeTools distribution, you find the stdvar file used in the development of the shape toolkit itself. This may be a good starting point for developing an own variant raster. At least, it helps you learning the definition syntax. Otherwise, for a description on the syntax of variant definition parts see the shape(1) manual. FILES
shape_RMS(1), shape (1) 2.10.119 SHAPE_STDVAR(7)

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SHAPE_STDVAR(7) 					 Miscellaneous Information Manual					   SHAPE_STDVAR(7)

shape_stdvar - shapeTools RMS project wide variant definitions DESCRIPTION
This file contains common variant definitions to be used in a software development project supported by the shape release management sys- tem. The stdvar file defines a variant raster for a whole development project. This central definition facility unifies the naming and semantics of supported system variants. Stdvar is to be included into the Shapefiles of any part of the developed system via shape's include mechanism. The definitions in stdvar should be carefully designed and maintained for each supported project. They usually concern variant control for all hardware/operating system platforms to be supported or variant settings to produce different qualities of generated code (debug or optimized). Enclosed in the shapeTools distribution, you find the stdvar file used in the development of the shape toolkit itself. This may be a good starting point for developing an own variant raster. At least, it helps you learning the definition syntax. Otherwise, for a description on the syntax of variant definition parts see the shape(1) manual. FILES
shape_RMS(1), shape (1) 1.6.119 SHAPE_STDVAR(7)
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