XSynchronize(3X11) XLIB FUNCTIONS XSynchronize(3X11)NAME
XSynchronize, XSetAfterFunction - enable or disable synchronization
int (*XSynchronize(Display *display, Bool onoff))();
int (*XSetAfterFunction(Display *display, int (*procedure)()))();
display Specifies the connection to the X server.
procedure Specifies the procedure to be called.
onoff Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether to enable or disable synchronization.
The XSynchronize function returns the previous after function. If onoff is True, XSynchronize turns on synchronous behavior. If onoff is
False, XSynchronize turns off synchronous behavior.
The specified procedure is called with only a display pointer. XSetAfterFunction returns the previous after function.
SEE ALSO XSetErrorHandler(3X11)
Xlib - C Language X Interface
XFree86 Version 4.7.0 XSynchronize(3X11)
Check Out this Related Man Page
XIfEvent, XCheckIfEvent, XPeekIfEvent - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XIfEvent(display, event_return, predicate, arg)
Display *display;
XEvent *event_return;
Bool (*predicate)();
XPointer arg;
Bool XCheckIfEvent(display, event_return, predicate, arg)
Display *display;
XEvent *event_return;
Bool (*predicate)();
XPointer arg;
XPeekIfEvent(display, event_return, predicate, arg)
Display *display;
XEvent *event_return;
Bool (*predicate)();
XPointer arg;
arg Specifies the user-supplied argument that will be passed to the predicate procedure.
display Specifies the connection to the X server.
Returns either a copy of or the matched event's associated structure.
predicate Specifies the procedure that is to be called to determine if the next event in the queue matches what you want.
The XIfEvent function completes only when the specified predicate procedure returns True for an event, which indicates an event in the
queue matches. XIfEvent flushes the output buffer if it blocks waiting for additional events. XIfEvent removes the matching event from
the queue and copies the structure into the client-supplied XEvent structure.
When the predicate procedure finds a match, XCheckIfEvent copies the matched event into the client-supplied XEvent structure and returns
True. (This event is removed from the queue.) If the predicate procedure finds no match, XCheckIfEvent returns False, and the output buf-
fer will have been flushed. All earlier events stored in the queue are not discarded.
The XPeekIfEvent function returns only when the specified predicate procedure returns True for an event. After the predicate procedure
finds a match, XPeekIfEvent copies the matched event into the client-supplied XEvent structure without removing the event from the queue.
XPeekIfEvent flushes the output buffer if it blocks waiting for additional events.
SEE ALSO XAnyEvent(3X11), XNextEvent(3X11), XPutBackEvent(3X11)XSendEvent(3X11)
Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 Release 6.6 XIfEvent(3X11)
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