geo(1rheolef) rheolef-6.1 geo(1rheolef)
geo - plot a finite element mesh
geo options mesh[.geo[.gz]]
Plot or upgrade a finite element mesh.
Plot a mesh:
geo square.geo
geo box.geo
geo box.geo -full
Plot a mesh into a file:
geo square.geo -image-format png
Convert from a old geo file format to the new one:
geo -upgrade - < square-old.geo > square.geo
See below for the geo file format scpecification. The old file format does not contains edges and faces connectivity in 3d geometries, or
edges connectivity in 2d geometries. The converter add it automatically into the upgraded file format. Conversely, the old file format is
usefull when combined with a translator from another file format that do not provides edges and faces connectivity.
specifies the name of the file containing the input mesh. The ".geo" suffix extension is assumed.
- read mesh on standard input instead on a file.
-name when mesh comes from standard input, the mesh name is not known and is set to "output" by default. This option allows to change
this default. Useful when dealing with output formats (graphic, format conversion) that creates auxilliary files, based on this
-I dir Add dir to the rheolef file search path. This mechanism initializes a search path given by the environment variable `RHEOPATH'. If
the environment variable `RHEOPATH' is not set, the default value is the current directory.
-check Check that element orientation is positive.
-if format
-input-format format
load mesh in format file format, instead of plotting it. Supported output formats are: geo, bamg, vtk. When loading from a file,
the corresponding suffix extension is assumed.
use gnuplot tool. This is the default.
use mayavi tool.
When using a high order geometry, the lattice inside any element appears. Default is on;
-subdivide int
When using a high order geometry, the number of points per edge used to draw a curved element. Default value is the mesh order.
All internal edges appears, for 3d meshes. Default is off;
Fill mesh faces using light effects, when available.
Rendering mode suitable for red-blue anaglyph 3D stereoscopic glasses. Option only available with mayavi.
-nocut cut by plane and clip (with mayavi only).
-geo output mesh on standard output stream in geo text file format, instead of plotting it.
Convert from a old geo file format to the new one.
-gmsh output mesh on standard output stream in gmsh text file format, instead of plotting it.
-image-format string
The argument is any valid image format, such as bitmap png, jpg, gif or vectorial ps or pdf image file formats, and that could be
handled by the corresponding render. The output file is e.g. `@emph{basename'.png} when @emph{basename} is the name of the mesh, or
can be set with the -name option.
check for a domain named "boundary"; If this domain does not exists, extract the boundary of the geometry and append it to the
domain list. This command is usefull for mesh converted from generators, as bamg, that cannot have more than one domain specifica-
tion per boundary edge.
print messages related to graphic files created and command system calls (this is the default).
does not print previous messages.
-clean clear temporary graphic files (this is the default).
does not clear temporary graphic files.
execute graphic command (this is the default).
does not execute graphic command. Generates only graphic files. This is usefull in conjuction with the "-noclean" command.
-dump used for debug purpose.
print the smallest (resp. largest) element measure and then exit.
rheolef-6.1 rheolef-6.1 geo(1rheolef)