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mm_sched(1) [xfree86 man page]

MM_SCHED(1)							   User Commands						       MM_SCHED(1)

mm_sched - OpenNebula scheduler process SYNOPSIS
mm_sched is OpenNebula scheduler process, in charge of the VM to cluster node matching. mm_sched is started by one(1) startup script FILES
/var/log/one/sched.log The scheduler log file. COPYRIGHT
OpenNebula is Copyright 2002-2010, Distributed Systems Architecture Group, Universidad Complutense de Madrid ( AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Damien Raude-Morvan <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). SEE ALSO
one(1), oned(1) mm_sched August 2010 MM_SCHED(1)

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ONEDATASTORE(1) 				 onedatastore(1) -- manages OpenNebula datastores				   ONEDATASTORE(1)

onedatastore SYNOPSIS
onedatastore command [args] [options] OPTIONS
-c, --cluster id|name Selects the cluster -l, --list x,y,z Selects columns to display with list command -d, --delay x Sets the delay in seconds for top command -x, --xml Show the resource in xml format -n, --numeric Do not translate user and group IDs -v, --verbose Verbose mode -h, --help Show this message -V, --version Show version and copyright information COMMANDS
o create file Creates a new Datastore from the given template file valid options: cluster o delete range|datastoreid_list Deletes the given Datastore o chgrp range|datastoreid_list groupid Changes the Datastore group o chown range|datastoreid_list userid [groupid] Changes the Datastore owner and group o chmod range|datastoreid_list octet Changes the Datastore permissions o list Lists Datastores in the pool valid options: list, delay, xml, numeric o show datastoreid Shows information for the given Datastore valid options: xml o update datastoreid Launches the system editor to modify and update the template contents ARGUMENT FORMATS
o file Path to a file o range List of id's in the form 1,8..15 o text String o datastoreid OpenNebula DATASTORE name or id o datastoreid_list Comma-separated list of OpenNebula DATASTORE names or ids o clusterid OpenNebula CLUSTER name or id o groupid OpenNebula GROUP name or id o userid OpenNebula USER name or id LICENSE
OpenNebula 3.4.1 Copyright 2002-2012, OpenNebula Project Leads ( Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at April 2012 ONEDATASTORE(1)
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