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meta2tga(1) [xfree86 man page]

META2TGA(1)						      General Commands Manual						       META2TGA(1)

meta2tga - convert metafile to Targa image format SYNOPSIS
meta2tga [ -c | -r ][ -x width ][ -y height ][ -m minrad ][ -o outname ] file .. DESCRIPTION
Meta2tga reads each metafile file in sequence and converts it to a compressed, color-mapped Targa file. The result is sent to the standard output (which must be redirected) unless the -o option is used. The argument to the -o option specifies the base file name, to which a page number and ".tga" is added as a suffix. Note that this option must be present in order to produce more than a single page of output. The default output resolution is 400 by 400, but a different resolution can be given with the -x and -y options. The -m option can be used to set a minimum value for the line radius in pixels. This may be helpful for improving the readability of high resolution output. The default value is 0, which allows lines of one pixel thickness. If the option -c is specified, the input files are only conditioned for output, ie. expanded (see pexpand). This is useful if many copies of the same output is desired. If the option -r is instead specified, the input is assumed already to be conditioned. If no input files are specified, the standard input is read. EXAMPLE
To convert the plots examp1.plt and examp2.plt to 1024x1024 Targa files: bgraph examp1.plt examp2.plt | meta2tga -o examp -x 1024 -y 1024 FILES
see pexpand(1) and psort(1) AUTHOR
Greg Ward SEE ALSO
bgraph(1), igraph(1), meta2bmp(1), pexpand(1), psmeta(1), psort(1), ra_t8(1) RADIANCE
6/24/98 META2TGA(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

MGF2META(1)						      General Commands Manual						       MGF2META(1)

mgf2meta - convert Materials and Geometry Format file to Metafile graphics SYNOPSIS
mgf2meta [ -t threshold ] {x|y|z} xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax [ input .. ] DESCRIPTION
Mgf2meta converts one or more Materials and Geometry Format (MGF) files to a 2-D orthographic projection along the selected axis in the metafile(1) graphics format. All geometry is clipped to the specified bounding box, and the resulting orientation is as follows: Projection Orientation ========== =========== x Y-axis right, Z-axis up y Z-axis right, X-axis up z X-axis right, Y-axis up If multiple input files are given, the first file prints in black, the second prints in red, the third in green and the fourth in blue. If more than four input files are given, they cycle through the colors again in three other line types: dashed, dotted and dot-dashed. The -t option may be used to randomly throw out line segments that are shorter than the given threshold (given as a fraction of the plot width). Segments are included with a probability equal to the square of the line length over the square of the threshold. This can greatly reduce the number of lines in the drawing (and therefore improve the drawing speed) with only a modest loss in quality. A typical value for this parameter is 0.005. All MGF material information is ignored on the input. EXAMPLE
To project two MGF files along the Z-axis and display them under X11: mgf2meta z 0 10 0 15 0 9 building1.mgf building2.mgf | x11meta -r To convert a RADIANCE scene to a line drawing in RADIANCE picture format: rad2mgf scene.rad | mgf2meta x `getbbox -h scene.rad` | meta2tga | ra_t8 -r > scene.hdr AUTHOR
Greg Ward SEE ALSO
getbbox(1), meta2bmp(1), meta2tga(1), metafile(5), mgf2rad(1), pflip(1), protate(1), psmeta(1), ra_t8(1), rad2mgf(1), x11meta(1) MGF web site "" RADIANCE
11/20/95 MGF2META(1)
Man Page

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