getdate - AME
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] [ra dec sys] itype2otype [date and/or time]
Convert date and time between various formats
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] itype2otype @file
itype: nfd=ISOFITS fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss
jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch, epb=Besselian
epoch lt=local time, ut=UT, ts=seconds since 1950-01-01 now=current time, ang=fractional degrees
otype: fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date
hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss, ang=fractional degrees ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch,
epb=Besselian epoch ts=seconds since 1950-01-01, tsu=Unix sec, tsi=IRAF sec gst=Greenwich Sidereal Time, lst=Local Sidereal Time
@file: First one or two columns are in itype format ra dec sys: Need for Heliocentric conversions
-a: Append date to input file, if there is one
-d: Print date without time
-e: Print output as ET/TDT/TT converting from UT
-f: Format for output number (C printf)
-h hours: Longitude in hours, west positive
-l degrees: Longitude in degrees, west positive
-n: Number of decimal places in sec, epoch, JD
-t: Print time without date
-v: Verbose
getdate 3.8.4 June 2012 GETDATE(1)
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getdate - AME
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] [ra dec sys] itype2otype [date and/or time]
Convert date and time between various formats
[-dv][-n dec][-f format] itype2otype @file
itype: nfd=ISOFITS fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss
jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch, epb=Besselian
epoch lt=local time, ut=UT, ts=seconds since 1950-01-01 now=current time, ang=fractional degrees
otype: fd=FITS, dt=yyyy.mmdd, jd=Julian Date, mjd=Modified Julian Date
hjd=Heliocentric Julian Date, mhjd=Modified HJD hr=hh:mm:ss, deg=dd:mm:ss, ang=fractional degrees ep=epoch, epj=Julian epoch,
epb=Besselian epoch ts=seconds since 1950-01-01, tsu=Unix sec, tsi=IRAF sec gst=Greenwich Sidereal Time, lst=Local Sidereal Time
@file: First one or two columns are in itype format ra dec sys: Need for Heliocentric conversions
-a: Append date to input file, if there is one
-d: Print date without time
-e: Print output as ET/TDT/TT converting from UT
-f: Format for output number (C printf)
-h hours: Longitude in hours, west positive
-l degrees: Longitude in degrees, west positive
-n: Number of decimal places in sec, epoch, JD
-t: Print time without date
-v: Verbose
getdate 3.8.4 June 2012 GETDATE(1)
I'm on a practical training and i have to change a shell script which print out a HTML-File with all Printers (and features example: IP, Mac etc.) they have in the factory.
The Features of the Printers are on each separate file. i mean every printer have an own file with it features.
... (12 Replies)
I want to change a date from format dd-mmm-yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. Is there a way to do this with sed or do you have to write a case statement to convert JAN to 01? Thanks (9 Replies)
Hi ,
I wrote perl script to add 18 days to current date,but its giving what i have expected .Any help it should be appereciated
perl -e '
$increment = 86400;
@months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
@weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat... (9 Replies)
I have a logfile which has got manier things in it and somewer in that file i have a date in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format....
I just need to get the date and time nothing else....
i have searched in this forum for it but got only date in mm-dd-yyyy format..
but i need to search for... (10 Replies)
Hi all,
In terminal when I enter:
date -j -f date -j -f "%Y/%m/%d %T" "2011/09/30 13:00:00" +"%s"
The output is:
When I put 2011/09/30 in var A, and I subsequently enter:
date -j -f date -j -f "%Y/%m/%d %T" "${A} 13:00:00" +"%s"
The output is: (10 Replies)
Hi fellows!!
i'm doing something which is not working out for me properly which i don't understand why
nowdate=`date +%s`
echo $nowdate
now the problem how to convert a date which is stored in a variable
mydate=`date -d '$mydate' +%s`
it gives error... (11 Replies)
I'm having two fields in the file
Now, I need to compare this with current date & time and need to return the difference value in hours. Already, I checked with datecalc from the forum. So, need hints from Shell Gurus.
Thanks (10 Replies)
I am trying to get date to display decimal
Desired output 1350386096256.12
I know this can be done with printf, but are not able to make it work.
I have tested this and many otherprintf "%.2f" $(($(date +%s%N)/1000000)) (8 Replies)
Hi ... extremely new to Unix scripting ... I have to get a date field from mm/dd/yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd format ... I have a variable that I want parsed. I don't seem to be doing it right?? Thanks. (19 Replies)
Hi Experts,
I'm facing an issue with date. My requirement is as follows
./script "dd/mm/yy" or ./script "dd/mm/yyyy"
epoch time
Im using solaris 10 and have downloaded gnu date.
I have tried using
$/usr/local/bin/date -d '25/02/2013'
/usr/local/bin/date: invalid date... (19 Replies)
Can someone help me to write a shell script to convert epoch timestamp into human readable format
1394553600,"test1","80156064.0","19191275.014286","62475360.000000","14200554.720000"... (10 Replies)
I am trying to create a script that will take epoch (input from command line) and convert it into a readable format in bash/shell
---------- Post updated at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:59 PM ----------
read -p "Please enter a number to represent epoch time:"... (9 Replies)
Hi All,
I have line
it contains date in mm/dd/yyyy format i want to change this to yyyymmdd format using perl.
Use code tags, thanks. (8 Replies)