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fs_monitor(1) [xfree86 man page]

FS_MONITOR(1)						       AFS Command Reference						     FS_MONITOR(1)

       fs_monitor - Enable client logging to a remote monitoring station

       fs monitor [-server <hostname/IP address or 'off'>] [-help]

       fs mariner [-server <hostname/IP address or 'off'>] [-help]

       The fs monitor command (aka mariner) sets the cache monitor host address (or turns it off).

       This command is hidden since the necessary remote monitoring component, venusmon, is not part of OpenAFS.  This system is not currently
       distributed or supported.

       -server <hostname/IP address or 'off'>
	   Name (or address) of the venusmon host that monitoring information should be sent to.  Setting the server to off turns off monitoring.

	   Prints the online help for this command.  All other valid options are ignored.

       The issuer must be super-user on the local machine.

       Copyright 2009 Steven Jenkins <>

       This documentation is covered by the BSD License as written in the doc/LICENSE file. This man page was written by Steven Jenkins for

OpenAFS 							    2012-03-26							     FS_MONITOR(1)

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FS_UUID(1)						       AFS Command Reference							FS_UUID(1)

fs_uuid - Prints the uuid of the client or generates a new one SYNOPSIS
fs uuid [-generate] [-help] DESCRIPTION
fs uuid prints the current UUID of an OpenAFS client. It can optionally force the generation of a new UUID, if needed. The client UUID is used by the fileserver to differentiate clients with the same IP address. CAUTIONS
The fs uuid command is only available in OpenAFS versions after 1.4.5 and 1.5.8. The behavior differs slightly between versions. In OpenAFS 1.4.5 and later, the -generate option is required and the UUID for the client machine is never printed. OpenAFS versions 1.5.8 and later will print the UUID. OPTIONS
-generate Generates a new UUID for the cache manager. This is useful if two clients share the same UUID (if systems were cloned incorrectly, for example). -generate is optional in OpenAFS versions 1.5.8 and later, but it is required in OpenAFS versions 1.4.5 and later. -help Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored. OUTPUT
fs uuid prints out the current UUID for the client or the new UUID if the -generate option is passed to it. EXAMPLES
There are only two ways to invoke fs uuid under 1.5.8 and later: % fs uuid UUID: 8ac66f9308a8e-47d7-80f7-50d0040cddc2 % fs uuid -generate New UUID: 436bd660-1720-429508e470cff38f5c6fb0 Here is the only way to invoke fs uuid under OpenAFS 1.4.5 and later: % fs uuid -generate New uuid generated. PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
The issuer must be logged on as the local superuser "root". SEE ALSO
Copyright 2007 Jason Edgecombe <> This documentation is covered by the BSD License as written in the doc/LICENSE file. This man page was written by Jason Edgecombe for OpenAFS. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 FS_UUID(1)
Man Page

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