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ecppll(1) [xfree86 man page]

ecppll(1)							Tntnet users guide							 ecppll(1)

ecppll - language-linker for ecpp SYNOPSIS
ecppll [-I dir] [-F] [-o output-filename] ecpp-filename [translated-data] DESCRIPTION
Ecppll is the language-linker for ecpp. This program combines the data of a ecpp-file with translated phrases from a source-file and gen- erates a data-file used by tntnet to look up translated data. The translated data file must contain the original phrase and the translated version separated by tab line by line. To generate a language file the generated files of all components of a component-library must be zipped. The resulting zip-file must have the same basename as the component-library and the language-code as the extension. Tntnet tries to find the langage library by first appending the value of the query parameter LANG to the name of the componentlibrary. If the file is not found, the environment-variable LANG is used. If that is neither found, the default data from the original component is used. OPTIONS
-F Fail on warning. If a phrase is not found in the language-data or in language-data is a phrase not used it the ecpp-file, ecppll warns about it to standard output. If this flag is set, ecppll returns a non-zero return-code. -I dir Search include-files in directory. This option can be passed multiple times. All specified directories are searched in turn for include-files. -o filename Specify output filename AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Tommi Makitalo <>. SEE ALSO
tntnet(1), ecpp(7), ecppl(1) Tntnet 2006-08-26 ecppll(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ecppll(1)							Tntnet users guide							 ecppll(1)

ecppll - language-linker for ecpp SYNOPSIS
ecppll [-I dir] [-F] [-o output-filename] ecpp-filename [translated-data] DESCRIPTION
Ecppll is the language-linker for ecpp. This program combines the data of a ecpp-file with translated phrases from a source-file and gen- erates a data-file used by tntnet to look up translated data. The translated data file must contain the original phrase and the translated version separated by tab line by line. To generate a language file the generated files of all components of a component-library must be zipped. The resulting zip-file must have the same basename as the component-library and the language-code as the extension. Tntnet tries to find the langage library by first appending the value of the query parameter LANG to the name of the componentlibrary. If the file is not found, the environment-variable LANG is used. If that is neither found, the default data from the original component is used. OPTIONS
-F Fail on warning. If a phrase is not found in the language-data or in language-data is a phrase not used it the ecpp-file, ecppll warns about it to standard output. If this flag is set, ecppll returns a non-zero return-code. -I dir Search include-files in directory. This option can be passed multiple times. All specified directories are searched in turn for include-files. -o filename Specify output filename AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Tommi Makitalo <>. SEE ALSO
tntnet(1), ecpp(7), ecppl(1) Tntnet 2006-08-26 ecppll(1)
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