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dh_installdebconf(1) [xfree86 man page]

DH_INSTALLDEBCONF(1)						     Debhelper						      DH_INSTALLDEBCONF(1)

dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build directories SYNOPSIS
dh_installdebconf [debhelperoptions] [-n] [--params] DESCRIPTION
dh_installdebconf is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing files used by debconf into package build directories. It also automatically generates the postrm commands needed to interface with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by dh_installdeb. See dh_installdeb(1) for an explanation of how that works. Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it (it will be added to ${misc:Depends} by this program). Note that for your config script to be called by dpkg, your postinst needs to source debconf's confmodule. dh_installdebconf does not install this statement into the postinst automatically as it is too hard to do it right. FILES
debian/package.config This is the debconf config script, and is installed into the DEBIAN directory in the package build directory. Inside the script, the token #DEBHELPER# is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other debhelper commands. debian/package.templates This is the debconf templates file, and is installed into the DEBIAN directory in the package build directory. debian/po/ If this directory is present, this program will automatically use po2debconf(1) to generate merged templates files that include the translations from there. For this to work, your package should build-depend on po-debconf. OPTIONS
-n, --no-scripts Do not modify postrm script. -- params Pass the params to po2debconf. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_INSTALLDEBCONF(1)

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DH_INSTALLDEB(1)						     Debhelper							  DH_INSTALLDEB(1)

dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory SYNOPSIS
dh_installdeb [debhelperoptions] DESCRIPTION
dh_installdeb is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing files into the DEBIAN directories in package build directories with the correct permissions. FILES
package.postinst package.preinst package.postrm package.prerm These maintainer scripts are installed into the DEBIAN directory. Inside the scripts, the token #DEBHELPER# is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other debhelper commands. package.triggers package.shlibs These control files are installed into the DEBIAN directory. Note that package.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and earlier. In compat 10, please use dh_makeshlibs(1). package.conffiles This control file will be installed into the DEBIAN directory. In v3 compatibility mode and higher, all files in the etc/ directory in a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program, so there is no need to list them manually here. package.maintscript Lines in this file correspond to dpkg-maintscript-helper(1) commands and parameters. However, the "maint-script-parameters" should not be included as debhelper will add those automatically. Example: # Correct rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo # INCORRECT rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- "$@" In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile" will insert maintainer script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that conffile. It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels. The dh_installdeb tool will do some basic validation of some of the commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 11.1.6ubuntu2 2018-05-10 DH_INSTALLDEB(1)
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