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acyclic(1) [xfree86 man page]

ACYCLIC(1)						      General Commands Manual							ACYCLIC(1)

       acyclic - make directed graph acyclic

       acyclic [ -nv?  ] [ -o outfile ] [ file ]

       acyclic	is  a filter that takes a directed graph as input and outputs a copy of the graph with sufficient edges reversed to make the graph
       acyclic. The reversed edge inherits all of the attributes of the original edge. The optional file argument specifies where  the	the  input
       graph is stored; by default, the program reads from stdin.

       The following options are supported:

       -n     No output is produced, though the return value will indicate whether the graph is acyclic or not.

       -v     Print information about whether the file is acyclic, has a cycle or is undirected.

       -o outfile
	      causes the output to be written to the specified file; by default, output is written to stdout.

       -?     option causes the program to print usage information.

       acyclic returns 0 if the graph is acyclic; 1 if the graph has a cycle; 2 if the graph is undirected; and 255 if there are any errors.

       If the graph is strict and there is a cycle of length 2, the attributes of the reversed edge are lost.

       Some edge attributes are non-symmetric, referring to either the head or tail node. At present, there is no mechanism or convention for cor-
       rectly switching or renaming these.

       Stephen C. North <>
       Emden R. Gansner <>

       gc(1), dot(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), sccmap(1), tred(1), libgraph(3)

								   21 March 2001							ACYCLIC(1)

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GC(1)							      General Commands Manual							     GC(1)

gvgen - generate graphs SYNOPSIS
gvgen [ -d? ] [ -cn ] [ -Cx,y ] [ -g[f]x,y ] [ -G[f]x,y ] [ -hn ] [ -kn ] [ -bx,y ] [ -pn ] [ -sn ] [ -Sn ] [ -tn ] [ -Tx,y ] [ -wn ] [ -ooutfile ] DESCRIPTION
gvgen generates a variety of simple, regularly-structured abstract graphs. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -c n Generate a cycle with n vertices and edges. -C x,y Generate an x by y cylinder. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y - y edges. -g [f]x,y Generate an x by y grid. If f is given, the grid is folded, with an edge attaching each pair of opposing corner vertices. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y - y - x edges if unfolded and 2*x*y - y - x + 2 edges if folded. -G [f]x,y Generate an x by y partial grid. If f is given, the grid is folded, with an edge attaching each pair of opposing corner vertices. This will have x*y vertices. -h n Generate a hypercube of degree n. This will have 2^n vertices and n*2^(n-1) edges. -k n Generate a complete graph on n vertices with n*(n-1)/2 edges. -b x,y Generate a complete x by y bipartite graph. This will have x+y vertices and x*y edges. -p n Generate a path on n vertices. This will have n-1 edges. -s n Generate a star on n vertices. This will have n-1 edges. -S n Generate a Sierpinski graph of order n. This will have 3*(3^(n-1) - 1)/2 vertices and 3^n edges. -t n Generate a binary tree of height n. This will have 2^n-1 vertices and 2^n-2 edges. -T x,y Generate an x by y torus. This will have x*y vertices and 2*x*y edges. -w n Generate a path on n vertices. This will have n-1 edges. -o outfile If specified, the generated graph is written into the file outfile. Otherwise, the graph is written to standard out. -d Make the generated graph directed. -? Print usage information. EXIT STATUS
gvgen exits with 0 on successful completion, and exits with 1 if given an ill-formed or incorrect flag, or if the specified output file could not be opened. AUTHOR
Emden R. Gansner <> SEE ALSO
gc(1), acyclic(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), sccmap(1), tred(1), libgraph(3) 27 March 2008 GC(1)
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