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showrgb(1) [xfree86 man page]

SHOWRGB(1)						      General Commands Manual							SHOWRGB(1)

showrgb - uncompile an rgb color-name database SYNOPSIS
showrgb [ database ] DESCRIPTION
The showrgb program reads an rgb color-name database compiled for use with the dbm database routines and converts it back to source form, printing the result to standard output. The default database is the one that X was built with, and may be overridden on the command line. Specify the database name without the .pag or .dir suffix. FILES
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb default database. XFree86 Version 4.7.0 SHOWRGB(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

XLookupColor()															    XLookupColor()

  XLookupColor - get database RGB values and closest hardware-supported RGB values from color name.

  Status XLookupColor(display, colormap, colorname, exact_def_return, screen_def_return)
	Display *display;
	Colormap colormap;
	char *colorname;
	XColor *exact_def_return, *screen_def_return;

  display     Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay().

  colormap    Specifies the colormap.

  colorname   Specifies  a  color  name string (for example "red").  Uppercase or lowercase does not matter.  If the color name is not in the
	      Host Portable Character Encoding, the result is implementation-dependent.

	      Returns the exact RGB values for the specified color name from the /usr/lib/X11/rgb database.

	      Returns the closest RGB values possible on the hardware.

  Zero on failure, non-zero on success.

  XLookupColor() looks up RGB values for a color given the colorname string.  It returns both the exact color values and the  closest  values
  possible on tthe screen specified by colormap.

  XLookupColor() returns non-zero if colorname exists in the RGB database or zero if it does not exist.

  To  determine  the  exact RGB values, XLookupColor() uses a database on the X server.  On UNIX, this database is /usr/lib/X11/rgb.  To read
  the colors provided by the database on a UNIX-based system, see /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt.  The location, name, and contents of  this  file  are

  For more information see Volume One, Chapter 7, Color, and Appendix D, The Server-side Color Database, in this volume.

  BadName   Color name not in database.

  BadColor  Invalid colormap.

     typedef struct {
	 unsigned long pixel;
	 unsigned short red, green, blue;
	 char flags;	    /* DoRed, DoGreen, DoBlue */
	 char pad;
     } XColor;

See Also
  XBlackPixel(),  XWhitePixel(),  XAllocColor(),  XAllocColorCells(),  XAllocColorPlanes(), XAllocNamedColor(), XFreeColors(), XParseColor(),
  XQueryColor(), XQueryColors(), XStoreColor(), XStoreColors(), XStoreNamedColor().

Xlib - Color Cells														    XLookupColor()
Man Page