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getcap(8) [x11r4 man page]

GETCAP(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 GETCAP(8)

getcap - examine file capabilities SYNOPSIS
getcap [-v] [-r] [-h] filename [ ... ] DESCRIPTION
getcap displays the name and capabilities of each specified OPTIONS
-r enables recursive search. -v enables to display all searched entries, even if it has no file-capabilities. -h prints quick usage. filename One file per line. SEE ALSO
cap_get_file(3), cap_to_text(3), setcap(8) 12 Nov 2007 GETCAP(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SETCAP(8)                                                     System Manager's Manual                                                    SETCAP(8)

setcap - set file capabilities SYNOPSIS
setcap [-q] [-v] (capabilities|-|-r) filename [ ... capabilitiesN fileN ] DESCRIPTION
In the absence of the -v (verify) option setcap sets the capabilities of each specified filename to the capabilities specified. The -v option is used to verify that the specified capabilities are currently associated with the file. The capabilities are specified in the form described in cap_from_text(3). The special capability string, '-', can be used to indicate that capabilities are read from the standard input. In such cases, the capabil- ity set is terminated with a blank line. The special capability string, '-r', is used to remove a capability set from a file. The -q flag is used to make the program less verbose in its output. EXIT CODE
The setcap program will exit with a 0 exit code if successful. On failure, the exit code is 1. SEE ALSO
cap_from_text(3), cap_set_file(3), getcap(8) 24th October 2008 SETCAP(8)
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